Oct 24, 2024  
2023 - 2024 Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Northeast Texas Community College has an “open door” admissions policy. It ensures that all persons who can profit from post-secondary education have an opportunity to enroll. The College and the State of Texas require certain assessment procedures for use in course placement, but the assessment is not used to determine admission eligibility to Northeast. Admission to Northeast does not ensure admittance to a particular course or program of study. Students may, in some instances, be required to remove deficiencies before enrolling in certain courses or applying to programs of study.

Methods of Admission

A person may be admitted to Northeast Texas Community College by any one of the following methods:

  1. Graduation from an Accredited High School or completion of the General Educational Development test (GED)
  2. Graduation from a non-Accredited High School or non-traditional education program, including home-school. .  Such graduates must provide an official, notarized transcript to the Admissions Office.  These transcripts must show the date of successful completion and be consistent with TEA minimums for high school completion.  All students will be required to comply with Northeast testing requirements and agree to limitations or conditions of admission established by Northeast, if applicable.  Such graduates who are at least 18 years of age must provide an official transcript to the Admissions Office. Such graduates who are under 18 years of age may be admitted by meeting all of the following requirements:
  3. Transfer from another College/University. For students with more than 12 credit hours earned and are in good standing at another collegiate institution may be admitted by transfer of credits.  Students must provide official transcripts from all previous colleges attended.  If less than 12 credit hours have been earned, the student must provide both college transcript(s) and high school transcript.  Student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (on a 4.00 scale) to be granted admission in good standing.  Students with a grade point average of less than 2.00 will be considered for admission on academic warning.  A student who is under academic suspension from another institution may petition the Associate Vice President for Instruction for admission to Northeast.  It is the policy of Northeast Texas Community College not to admit students who are on enforced disciplinary withdrawal from another institution.
  4. Individual approval. An applicant 18 years or older who is not a high school graduate and does not have a GED may be admitted on “individual approval” by the Associate Vice President for Student Services or Registrar.  The student will be required to pursue GED preparation following admission to the college.  Students will not be eligible for federal financial aid as a result of not having completed high school or GED.

The class load of such students shall not exceed two college credit courses per semester. However, under special circumstances which indicate a student with exceptional academic abilities is capable of college-level work, based on such factors as grade-point average, ACT or SAT scores, and other assessment indicators, the Associate Vice President for Instruction may grant exceptions to the class load requirement.

Concurrent students must have a “B” average in high school courses and must continue to make normal progress toward high school graduation. Concurrent students must also submit a high school transcript prior to enrollment. Some courses may have additional requirements, and all concurrent students should review Texas Success Initiative (TSI) guidelines carefully.

Students in a non-traditional program who seek concurrent enrollment must meet the following conditions:

  • Have completed the equivalent of the sophomore year in high school.
  • Provide a notarized record of subjects completed (consistent with TEA minimum requirements).
  • Comply with institutional testing requirements documenting assessment of readiness for college-level coursework.
  • Agree to limitations and conditions of admission established by Northeast, which include a maximum of two courses or eight semester hours each semester.

The decision to award high school credit rests solely with the local independent school district. Students are not eligible for financial aid prior to graduation from high school.

Word of caution regarding concurrent enrollment: Students should be aware that they are enrolling in college-level courses taught by college faculty and will receive no special consideration because they are still in high school.

   5.  Readmission. A student seeking readmission to Northeast after having missed one long semester or more, should contact the Admissions Office, and file a Readmit Application. If the student has attended another college since last being enrolled    at Northeast, an official transcript from that college must be on file. A readmitted student will not be allowed to re-enroll if the admission file was incomplete during the student’s previous enrollment. 

   6.  International students. International students may be accepted for admission to Northeast Texas Community College when all requirements have been met. An international student must submit the following documentation, as one complete packet, at least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the semester.

  • Application for admission.
  • A $50 (U.S. currency) non-refundable application fee.
  • A deposit of $500 (U.S. currency). The deposit will be returned to the student at the completion of his/her last semester at Northeast.
  • An official score report on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 79 on the Internet-based version, 213 on the Computer-based version, or 550 on the paper version. The applicant must be adequately proficient in English to pursue his/her course of study.
  • A certified English translation of grades and credits for the final four years of secondary school showing date of completion.
  • Official transcripts from all previous colleges, universities, or intensive English language schools. All foreign transcripts must be certified English translations. If the student expects to receive any credit for foreign coursework, the transcripts must also be evaluated by an international transcript evaluation service, such as International Academic Credential Evaluators, Inc. (www.iacei.net ) or World Education Services (www.wes.org).
  • Certified proof of financial support showing that the applicant has sufficient resources for support for the entire period of study at Northeast Texas Community College. Students should expect to pay at least $12,000 per academic year for tuition, fees, books, room and board, and living expenses for two regular semesters.
  • A physician’s statement showing proof of immunization against diphtheria and tetanus within the last 10 years and a negative result on a tuberculosis test within the past year.
  • Proof of medical insurance, which must be current for the duration of a student’s attendance. 

Admission to the College will not be granted until all admission requirements have been satisfied. After acceptance by Northeast, and before registration, the College will require all international students to take the TSI Assessment. Results of this test will determine the particular courses for which a student may register. All international students are required to purchase health and accident insurance coverage specified by the College during their stay at Northeast.

Admission Procedures

New Northeast Students

  1. Complete the application for admission online at www.ntcc.edu/admissions.
  2. Provide official high school transcript or GED certificate and official transcripts from all previously attended colleges/universities to the Admissions Office. Transfer students who have completed 12 or more semester hours do not have to provide a high school transcript or GED certificate.
  3. Furnish TSI Assessment scores to the Admissions Office prior to enrolling. If the student is exempt through TAKS, STAAR, SAT or ACT scores, appropriate documentation must be provided.

Methods for Authenticating High School Diploma/Transcript Validity

The following methods will be used to authenticate incoming high school transcripts.

  1. All transcripts must include the following: date of graduation/completion, signature of school official, and school seal.  Transcripts must be submitted to Northeast by one of the following methods to be considered valid and official:
    1. Mailed to the Admissions Office directly from the sending institution in original, sealed envelope;
    2. Mailed to the Admissions Office from student in original, sealed envelope from the high school;
    3. Hand-delivered to the Admissions Office in original, sealed envelope from the high school; or,
    4. Sent electronically to the Admissions Office directly from the high school, or through an approved electronic records exchange format (i.e. TREx, SPEEDE, Parchment, Credential Solutions, and National Student Clearinghouse).
  2. For non-traditional, online, or private high schools with listed accreditation, Northeast will cross-reference the accrediting agency with the list of approved agencies found on the Department of Education (DOE) or Texas Education Agency’s (TEA) websites listed below:
    1. DOE - http://www2.ed.gov/students/prep/college/diplomamills/accreditation.html
    2. TEA - http://tea.texas.gov/accredstatus/
  3. If a high school is found to be non-accredited or listed on an official list of known “diploma mills,” the student will be considered for the “individual approval” option, including all restrictions and requirements.

High School Students

  1. Talk to the high school counselor about your interest and eligibility and receive permission to enroll in college classes.
  2. Complete the application for admission online at www.ntcc.edu/dualcredit.
  3. Talk to your counselor or the Director of Dual Credit at NTCC about TSI requirements to ensure that you are eligible to take college courses.
  4. Complete the choice sheet and permission form (also found at www.ntcc.edu/dualcredit) with your counselor.
  5. Once the permission form has been submitted to the Director of Distance Education and Dual Credit and you have been registered, pay your tuition.
  6. Purchase your textbooks (if applicable).

An official final high school transcript with the date of graduation must be furnished to the Admissions Office once the student has graduated from high school.

Texas Success Initiative

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is a state-mandated program of basic academic skills assessment and advisement with the goal of creating a personalized learning experience for students pursuing higher education. In accordance with SB 286, Texas Education Code Section 51.3062, and the directives of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding TSI, Northeast Texas Community College has developed an institutional plan for addressing college readiness through assessment, advisement, and placement of students. 

College Readiness

College readiness is defined as a student demonstrating the ability to successfully complete college-level coursework. This ability is determined by:

  1. Achieving passing placement scores on approved assessment instruments, and/or
  2. Successfully completing a prescribed individual education plan that includes appropriate developmental coursework in preparation for enrolling in college- level coursework in mathematics, or coursework designated as reading or writing intensive.


Unless otherwise exempt, all Northeast Texas Community College students must take the TSI Assessment prior to enrolling in any college-level course work.


Northeast Texas Community College encourages all students, regardless of TSI college readiness status, to seek individual academic advising prior to each registration. Advisors help students understand academic requirements. Additional information about advisement is available from the College Connection Center located in the Administration Building, phone (903) 434-8100. Students who are entering Northeast for the first time are required to receive academic advisement. The following students are also required to receive academic advisement:

  • Students who have failed the TSI Assessment,
  • Students who are enrolled in developmental courses,
  • Students who are on academic probation or who are returning from academic suspension,
  • Students who desire to change an academic major, certificate program, or intend to transfer to a college or university,
  • Students who are military veterans and are eligible for veterans’ benefits (must see Director of Financial Aid).


  1. The beginning course placement for each student is determined by scores on Texas’ high school exit level test or TSI Assessment. See an advisor for a detailed placement guide.
  2. Students who wish to enroll in December or May intersession terms must have met the requirements that correlate to the course in which they enroll.
  3. If the TSI Assessment is re-taken before the student completes a developmental course, the resulting score will determine placement in subsequent courses. It is the student’s responsibility to take the test score to the instructor of the class. That instructor will give the student a grade of CR or a letter grade on the final grade sheet (as he/she chooses), and the student will no longer be required to attend that class for the rest of the semester.

TSI Exemption and Exceptions

TSI Exemption and Exceptions

(a) The following students shall be exempt from the requirements of this title, whereby exempt students shall not be required to provide any additional demonstration of college readiness and shall be allowed to enroll in any entry-level freshman course as defined in §4.53(13) of this title (relating to Definitions):

  1. For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:
    1. ACT:
      1. ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on the English test shall be exempt for both the reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment, and/or 19 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment.
      2. ACT administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) tests shall be exempt for both reading and writing or ELAR sections of the TSI Assessment. A score of 22 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no composite score.
      3. The use of scores from both the ACT administered prior to February 15, 2023, and the ACT administered after February 15, 2023, is allowable, as long as the benchmarks set forth in clause (ii) of this subparagraph are met.
    2. SAT
      1. SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016: a combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum of 500 on the critical reading test shall be exempt for both reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment; a combined critical reading (formerly “verbal”) and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum of 500 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment.
      2.  SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016: a minimum score of 480 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) test shall be exempt for both reading and writing sections of the TSI Assessment; a minimum score of 530 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. There is no combined score.
      3.  Mixing or combining scores from the SAT administered prior to March 5, 2016 and the SAT administered on or after March 5, 2016 is not allowable.
    3. GED: minimum score of 165 on the Mathematical Reasoning subject test shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. A minimum score of 165 on the Reasoning Through Language Arts (RLA) subject test shall be exempt for the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) section of the TSI Assessment.
    4. HiSET: minimum score of 15 on the Mathematics subtest shall be exempt for the mathematics section of the TSI Assessment. A minimum score of 15 on the Reading subtest and a minimum score of 15 on the Writing subtest, including a minimum score of 4 on the essay, shall be exempt for the English Language Arts Reading (ELAR) section of the TSI Assessment.

(2) For a period of three (3) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs on the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills (TAAS) with a minimum scale score of 1770 on the writing test, a Texas Learning Index (TLI) of 86 on the mathematics test and 89 on the reading test.

(3) For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards that cannot be raised by institutions:

  1. on the Eleventh grade exit-level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) with a minimum scale score of 2200 on the math section and/or a minimum scale score of 2200 on the English Language Arts section with a writing subsection score of at least 3, shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for those corresponding sections; or
  2. STAAR end-of-course (EOC) with a minimum Level 2 score of 4000 on the English III shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for both reading and writing, and a minimum Level 2 score of 4000 on the Algebra II EOC shall be exempt from the TSI Assessment required under this title for the mathematics section

(4) A student who has graduated with an associate or baccalaureate degree from an institution of higher education.

(5) A student who transfers to an institution from a public, private, or independent institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed college-level coursework as determined by the receiving institution.

(6) A student who has previously attended any institution and has been determined to have met readiness standards by that institution

(7) A student who is enrolled in a certificate program of one year or less (Level-One certificates, 42 or fewer semester credit hours or the equivalent) at a public junior college, a public technical institute, or a public state college.

(8) A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.

(9) A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.

(10) A student who successfully completes a college preparatory course under Texas Education Code §28.014 is exempt for a period of twenty-four (24) months from the date of high school graduation with respect to the content area of the course. The student must enroll in the student’s first college-level course in the exempted content area in the student’s first year of enrollment in an institution of higher education. This exemption applies only at the institution of higher education that partners with the school district in which the student is enrolled to provide the course. Additionally, an institution of higher education may enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with a partnering institution of higher education to accept the exemption for the college preparatory course.

(b) An institution may exempt a non-degree-seeking or non-certificate-seeking student.

(c) ESOL Waiver–An institution may grant a temporary waiver from the assessment required under this title for students with demonstrated limited English proficiency in order to provide appropriate ESOL/ESL coursework and interventions. The waiver must be removed after the student attempts 15 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a public junior college, public technical institute, or public state college; 9 credit hours of developmental ESOL coursework at a general academic teaching institution; or prior to enrolling in entry-level freshman coursework, whichever comes first, at which time the student would be administered the TSI Assessment. Funding limits as defined in Texas Education Code, §51.340 for developmental education still apply. Developmental Education is not available for high school students.


The provisions of this §4.54 adopted to be effective December 3, 2003, 28 TexReg 10753; amended to be effective May 17, 2004, 29 TexReg 4868; amended to be effective August 15, 2004, 29 TexReg 7971; amended to be effective November 28, 2012, 37 TexReg 9358; amended to be effective August 15, 2013, 38 TexReg 5063; amended to be effective November 21, 2013, 38 TexReg 8195; amended to be effective September 4, 2014, 39 TexReg 6841; amended to be effective November 25, 2015, 40 TexReg 8203; amended to be effective August 30, 2016, 41 TexReg 6480; amended to be effective May 11, 2017, 42 TexReg2405; amended to be effective February 28, 2018, 43 TexReg 1059; amended to be effective May 17, 2021, 46 TexReg 3123

Distance Learning

Texas students enrolled in collegiate-level courses offered by Texas public institutions of higher education via distance learning delivery systems must meet all TSI college readiness requirements unless otherwise exempt.

For classes that require proctored tests, students have three options.  Students can test on the main campus at the Northeast Testing Center. If they reside outside of the Northeast Texas Community College area, students can test at an approved college testing center or public library with an exam proctoring service. With instructor approval, students can use one of Northeast’s online testing proctoring services. All proctoring costs are the responsibility of the student.

TSI-Waived Status 

Students who are enrolled in certification programs consisting of 42 semester credit hours or less are considered TSI-waived until they:

1.     Change to a degree and/or Level II certificate program of 43 or more semester credit hours. (Some degree programs with 43 or more semester credit hours have been approved as Level I certificates) or

2.     Complete more than six semester credit hours outside the TSI-waived certified curriculum.

Certain TSI-waived certificate programs include ENGL 1301 , a college-level math course, or a course designated as “reading intensive”. Even though a student enrolled in such certificate program(s) is TSI-waived, he/she must pass the TSI Assessment in order to take corresponding college-level courses.

Dual Credit High School Students

“Concurrently Enrolled High School Students”

1.     A high school student is eligible to enroll in dual credit courses in any grade if the student:

A.  demonstrates college readiness by achieving the minimum passing scores for the Texas Success Initiative Assessment; or

B.  the student achieves a combined score of 1070 on the SAT with a minimum of 500 on the critical reading and/or mathematics test relevant to the courses to be attempted.

C.  the student achieves a minimum PSAT 10 score of 460 in the Evidence-Based Reading/Writing (EBRW) and/or 510 in the Mathematics (MATH) relevant to the courses to be attempted; or

D.  the student achieves a composite score of 23 on the PLAN/ACT with a 19 or  higher in Mathematics and/or English relevant to the courses to be attempted; or

E.  the student achieves a score of 4000 or higher on the STAAR Algebra I and/or a score of 4000 or higher on the STAAR English II End of Course (EOC) exams.

2.     Students enrolled in TSI-waived Level 1 certificate courses are not required to meet the minimum testing requirement, but must be approved for such courses by the high school and the institution.

3.     Students who are enrolled in private or non-accredited secondary schools or who are home-schooled must satisfy paragraphs (1) - (2) of this subsection.

4.     To be eligible for enrollment in a dual credit course offered by a public college, students must meet all the college’s regular prerequisite requirements designated for that course (e.g., minimum score on a specified placement test, minimum grade in a specified previous course, etc.).

** TSI information is subject to change.**

Transfer Students

Transfer students are required to meet all TSI requirements by:

  1. Having met college readiness standards at another institution, or
  2. Having successfully completed (C or above) college-level coursework in mathematics, or a course designated as reading or writing intensive.

Casual Student

A student who is not seeking a degree or a Level I certificate can be considered to be a “casual student” for TSI developmental education purposes. A student’s “casual student” status will be determined and certified each semester that the student is enrolled. The student will be eligible to maintain the “casual student” status until such time as the student declares that he/she is seeking a degree and/or a Level II certificate.

  1. A “casual student” will be permitted to enroll in restricted classes only if he/she has passed the appropriate section(s) of the TSI Assessment or an approved alternative test.
  2. Casual students may enroll in a maximum of two (2) courses per semester.

Residency Information

Although Northeast Texas Community College is an “open door” institution, state laws are very specific concerning residency requirements. Students are responsible for registering under the proper residence classification and for providing documentation as required by the institution. If there is any question as to the right to classification as a resident of Texas or the Northeast taxing district, it is the student’s obligation, prior to, or at the time of enrollment, to raise the question with the appropriate administrative officials of the College.

Determination of Resident Status

The following persons shall be classified as Texas residents and entitled to pay resident tuition at all institutions of higher education:

  1. a person who:
    1. graduated from a public or accredited private high school in this state or, as an alternative to high school graduation, received the equivalent of a high school diploma in this state, including the successful completion of a nontraditional secondary education, and
    2. maintained a residence continuously in this state for:
      1. the thirty-six months immediately preceding the date of graduation or receipt of the diploma equivalent, as applicable; and
      2. the 12 months preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution.
  2. a person who:
    1. established a domicile in this state not less than 12 months before the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution; and
    2. maintained a residence continuously in the state for the 12 months immediately preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution.
  3. a dependent whose parent:
    1. established a domicile in this state not less than 12 months before the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution; and
    2. maintained a residence continuously in the state for the 12 months immediately preceding the census date of the academic semester in which the person enrolls in an institution.

In-District - A Texas resident who has established a domicile within the geographic boundaries of the Northeast Texas Community College district (Camp, Morris, and Titus counties). Students must have established a domicile, and lived in the taxing district for at least 90 days prior to the beginning of the semester. Residence in the Northeast district cannot be established by moving into the district for the specific purpose of attending Northeast.

Out-of-District - A Texas resident who does not physically reside within, or who has not established a domicile within, the geographic boundaries of the Northeast Texas Community College district.

Reclassification of Residence Status

Students classified as nonresident or out-of-district students shall be considered to retain that status until they apply for reclassification and provide the appropriate supporting documentation to be officially reclassified by the proper administrative officers of the institution. Application for reclassification and documentation must be submitted prior to the official census date of the relevant semester.

Additional information regarding residence requirements may be obtained from the Admissions Office or the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board website at www.thecb.state.tx.us.

Transfer Credit

Credit for courses in which a grade of “D” or better has been earned may be transferred to Northeast Texas Community College from colleges and universities accredited through the eight recognized regional accrediting associations. Transfer credits from any unaccredited institution are evaluated on a case by case basis.

On receipt of an official transcript from an accredited institution, coursework from the institution is evaluated for transferability and students will be provided a CR on their transcript for individual successfully completed courses. When a student repeats a course, the most recent course will be utilized. Students should meet with their advisor(s) to determine transferability of courses for application toward a degree or certificate at Northeast. When the acceptability of credits earned at any other institution is in question, Northeast follows the policy of the major state university in the home state of that institution. Course work completed at colleges and universities outside the United States will be considered on an individual basis.

Transfer from Northeast to Another Institution

Transfer of credit from Northeast Texas Community College to other institutions is typically completed without difficulty with courses numbered 1000 and above generally accepted for transfer by other institutions. However, it is the responsibility of the student, to determine prior to registration if the courses will transfer. The transfer of specific courses normally depends upon the applicability of the completed work toward a degree plan specified by the receiving institution. Therefore, any program of study at Northeast should be planned to parallel, as nearly as possible, the requirements of the program at the institution to which the student plans to transfer. College Connection Center maintains course articulation or conversion charts for many Texas universities. These cross-reference charts enable student to determine course equivalencies at their chosen university. Advisement is available to students who need additional information about transferring to another institution.

The public colleges and universities in Texas, through the leadership of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, provide for transferability of “general academic courses which, when offered at a community college during the first two years of collegiate study, shall be freely transferable among all public institutions of higher education in Texas who are members of recognized accrediting agencies on the same basis as if the work had been done at the receiving institution.” Students should be aware of the following provisions regarding transfer of course credits:

  1. No university shall be required to accept by transfer or toward a degree more than 66 semester hours, or one-half of the degree requirements if these constitute fewer than 66 hours, of credits earned by a student in a community college. In addition to the courses listed in the appropriate approved transfer curriculum, the university may count additional lower division courses in the student’s major to give the total of 66 hours. No university is required by this policy to accept more than 66 hours; however, the university may accept additional hours.
  2. Any student transferring from a community college to a university shall have the same choice of catalog designating degree requirements as the student would have had if the dates of attendance at the university had been the same as the dates of attendance at the community college.
  3. Each Texas public community college or university shall accept course credits earned by any student transferring from another accredited Texas public community college or university provided such credits are within the approved transfer curriculum of the student’s declared major field at the receiving institution. Each Texas public community college or university shall grant full value for transfer curriculum course credits toward degree requirements as they apply to the student’s declared major. Additional course credits may be accepted in transfer at the discretion of the receiving institution.
  4. Since courses included in each transfer curriculum vary according to the major subject areas represented, a student should be advised to declare a major prior to attaining sophomore standing at a community college. The student shall be required to declare a major at the time a request is made for admission to a degree program at a university. Students should be advised that a change of major may result in loss of credits earned in the previous program.
  5. A student shall not be required to complete an entire transfer curriculum for credits in individual courses to be transferable and applicable to a degree program.
  6. Any community college or university choosing to grant credit for courses taken by non-traditional modes shall evaluate and validate the learning according to policy established at the receiving institution. Examples of nontraditional modes include:
    1. national examination,
    2. institution examination taken in lieu of course enrollment,
    3. course taken at non-degree granting institution,
    4. work experience, or
    5. life experience.

The specific nature of this credit shall be so indicated on the student’s transcript. The total amount of non-traditional credit accepted, if any, shall be entirely controlled by the receiving institution.

  1. Institutions which establish institution-wide enrollment ceilings or specified program enrollment controls may be exempted from certain of these general provisions by the commissioner of higher education upon adequate justification. Transfer disputes may arise when a lower-division course is not accepted for credit by a Texas institution of higher education. To qualify as a dispute the course(s) in question must be offered by the institution denying the credit (receiving institution), or in the case of upper-level institutions, must be published as a lower-division course accepted for fulfilling lower-level requirements.

Transfer Dispute Resolution

The following procedures shall be followed by public institutions of higher education in the resolution of credit transfer disputes involving lower division courses:

  1. If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied.
  2. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules and/or guidelines.
  3. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution whose credit is denied for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of Higher Education of the denial.

The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about the dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions. Problems that occur during the transfer process will not always be categorized as disputes, and will not follow dispute procedures and guidelines. Problems are clearly within the jurisdiction of the receiving institution. Problems may include, but are not limited to these situations:

  • A student may lose credit hours or have to take additional lower-level credit hours when changing majors.
  • Students may not decide which upper-level/senior institution they will attend to complete their degree until after they have completed significant lower-level coursework. Courses taken may not apply or transfer to the institution selected.
  • A student may have taken more than 66 lower-level credit hours.
  • A student may have received unsatisfactory grades in lower-level courses.
  • A student may have taken vocational, technical, developmental, or remedial courses that are not defined as general academic courses.
  • Compliance with external accrediting agencies, newly-enacted legislation, and changes in Texas Education Agency or Coordinating Board regulations may invalidate courses students have already completed.
  • Students may have taken more credit hours in a course category than will transfer. Examples include activity hours in physical education, choir, band, etc.
  • Institutions may not accept work that is considered too old.
  • A student may have repeated courses to raise grade point averages. Duplicate credit is not accepted.

Academic Fresh Start

Senate Bill 1321 entitles residents of this state to seek admission to public institutions of higher education without consideration of courses undertaken ten or more years prior to enrollment. When students apply for “Academic Fresh Start” all credit 10 or more years old will not be used for admission. Students who wish to apply for “Academic Fresh Start” must contact the Admissions Office.

Course Numbering System

To facilitate the transfer of courses, Northeast Texas Community College has joined the Texas Common Course Numbering System Consortium and began using common course numbers in the fall of 1992. Courses that are equivalent have been designated a common number for use by participating colleges and universities. Students can thus more easily choose the appropriate courses to take as they plan to transfer.

The number of a course gives the rank and semester hour value as follows:

  1. The first digit gives the rank of the course. A course number beginning with 0 is a developmental course. A course number beginning with a figure 1 is a freshman level course. A course number beginning with the figure 2 is a sophomore level course.
  2. The second digit signifies the semester hour value of the course.
  3. The third and fourth digits serve to distinguish the course from others in the same department.

For example, ENGL 1301  is a freshman level course and has the value of three semester hours.

Classification of Students

Students attending the College are classified as follows:

  • Freshman: Successfully completed fewer than 30 credit hours.
  • Sophomore: Successfully completed 30 but less than 60 credit hours.
  • Unclassified: Successfully completed 60 or more credit hours.
  • Less than Half-Time: A student carrying fewer than 6 hours in a fall, spring, or summer session.
  • Half-Time: A student carrying 6 to 11 semester hours in a fall, spring, or summer session.
  • Full-Time: A student carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours in a fall, spring, or summer session.

Guidelines Applicable to Credit by Examination/Advanced Placement

  1. Credit by advanced placement at Northeast is available for entry level students, transfer students, and students currently enrolled. Potential Northeast freshmen or entry level transfer students may earn course credit through the College Board Advanced Placement Program examinations offered at selected high schools in May of each year. Students enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses or honors courses qualify for these examinations.
  2. Scores earned on examinations should be sent to Northeast. The student should notify the Admissions Office to accept or decline credits. Students will not receive test results from College Board until mid July.
  3. The symbol “CR” (credit), rather than a grade will be posted on a transcript. Unsuccessful attempts will not be recorded on the transcript.
  4. Credits earned by examinations or advanced placement are not included in computation of grade point average.
  5. Northeast will not award credit by examination or advanced placement for courses in which a student is currently enrolled, courses in which a student has previously failed, or courses which are prerequisites to courses for which the student has already earned credit.
  6. A student may earn a maximum of 15 credit hours through credit by examination or advanced placement. Students will be eligible to earn up to 38 semester credit hours in emergency medical services coursework at the Paramedic level. See Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Certificate  for additional information.
  7. Northeast will award credit only after the student, while in residence, earns 12 credit hours through classroom instruction.
  8. Credit by examination or advanced placement is not applicable toward determination of scholastic standing or academic honors. Likewise, credit hours earned through credit by examination or advanced placement will not satisfy requirements for minimum hours in residence which the student must earn at Northeast for certificates of completion or earning a degree.
  9. Northeast urges the student to verify transferability with the College or university to which the student intends to transfer. The receiving college or university determines transfer of courses earned through credit by examination or advanced placement.
  10. Standards for awarding credit by examination or advanced placement for courses are set by the academic departments and approved by the Associate Vice President for Instruction.
  11. Northeast charges a one-time administrative fee of $40.00 for processing and posting credit by examination or advanced placement to a transcript.
  12. Advanced placement examinations for which students may earn Northeast course credit include the following:
Advanced Placement

AP Exam Score

Northeast Course
Credit Hours
 Language & Composition ENGL 1301    3
Language & Composition 4-5 ENGL 1301  and ENGL 1302   6
Literature & Composition 3 ENGL 1301  or ENGL 1302   3
Literature & Composition 4-5 ENGL 1302  and a 3-hour literature 6
German Language 3-5 GERM 1411  and GERM 1412   6
Latin Language 3-5 LATI 1411  and LATI 1412   6
Spanish Language 3 SPAN 1411  and SPAN 1412   6
Spanish Language 4-5 SPAN 1411 , SPAN 1412 , SPAN 2311 , SPAN 2312   12
U.S. History 3 HIST 1301  or HIST 1302   3
U.S. History 4-5 HIST 1301  and HIST 1302   6
World Civilizations 3 HIST 2321  or HIST 2322   3
 World Civilizations 4-5   HIST 2321  and HIST 2322    6
Federal Government 3-5 GOVT 2305   3
Music Theory 3-5 MUSI 1311  and MUSI 1116   4
Calculus AB 3 MATH 2413   4
Calculus BC 3   and    8
Statistics  3 Approval by Mathematics Division Chair  
Physics B 3-5 PHYS 1401  and PHYS 1402   8
Physics C - E & M 3-5 PHYS 1402  or PHYS 2426   4
Physics C - Mech 3-5 PHYS 1401  or PHYS 2425   4
Biology 3 BIOL 1406   4
Chemistry 3 CHEM 1411   4
Studio Art Drawing 3-5 ARTS 1316   3
Studio Art 2-D Design 3-5 ARTS 1311   3
Studio Art 3-D Design 3-5 ARTS 1312   3
Psychology 3-5 PSYC 2301   3
Macroeconomics 3-5 ECON 2301   3
Microeconomics 3-5 ECON 2302   3
Computer Science A 3 COSC 1301   3
  1. Advanced placement credit for other university parallel courses may be earned with the approval of the Associate Vice President for Instruction.

Credit by Examination/Experience

Students at Northeast Texas Community College may earn course credit by demonstrating specified achievement on the subject examinations of the College Board of New York’s College Level Examination Program, commonly called CLEP, through departmental examinations, or for learning achieved through experiences outside typical educational settings.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

In recognition of the growing interest in continuing education for adults and in recognition of the fact that learning takes place in many ways, Northeast Texas Community College participates in the College Level Examination Program (CLEP).

CLEP enables those who have reached a college level of education in nontraditional ways to assess the level of their achievement. This assessment takes place through general and subject examinations, the results of which are used in establishing college credit.

Northeast Texas Community College has been designated an open testing center which allows both currently enrolled students and members of the community to benefit from any of the College level examinations offered through the College. The fee for each exam is $110. A maximum of 15 hours may be used for graduation. Northeast Texas Community College awards college credit by examination in the following courses:

Course # Course Min. CLEP Score
ACCT 2301   Principles of Accounting I           50
BIOL 1406  & BIOL 1407   General Biology I & II           50
BUSI 2301   Business Law           50
CHEM 1411  & CHEM 1412   General Chemistry I & II           50
COSC 1301   Introduction to Computing           50
ECON 2301   Principles of Macroeconomics           50
ECON 2302   Principles of Microeconomics           50
ENGL 1301   English Composition I           50
ENGL 2322  & ENGL 2323   British Literature I & II           50
ENGL 2327  & ENGL 2328   American Literature I & II           50
GOVT 2305   Federal Government           50
*HIST 1301   United States History I           50
*HIST 1302   United States History II           50
HIST 2321   World Civilizations I           50
HIST 2322   World Civilizations II           50
HUMA 1301   Introduction to Humanities           50
MATH 1314   College Algebra           50
MATH 2412   Pre-Calculus           50
MATH 2413   Calculus I           50
PSYC 2301   Introduction to Psychology           50
PSYC 2314   Lifespan Growth & Development           50
SOCI 1301   Introductory Sociology           50
SPAN 1411  and SPAN 1412   Spanish I & II           50

*Students may receive credit for only one of these tests by CLEP.

NOTE: Credit via CLEP Test(s) will not be awarded for courses in which a student is currently enrolled; has been previously enrolled and/or earned a grade; has previously failed; or which are prerequisite to courses for which credit has already been earned.

Credit for Experience and Departmental Examinations

Credit may be awarded toward completion of an Associate of Applied Science Degree or a Certificate of Completion for learning achieved through experiences outside typical educational settings when such learning is consistent with the educational objectives of the student, the requirements of the curriculum, and the policy on granting credit for experience. Decisions regarding the awarding of credit are made by full-time faculty members. Students must demonstrate proficiency in the course competencies/objectives as listed in the syllabus to the satisfaction of a full-time faculty member who is qualified to teach the course and must achieve a minimum score acceptable to the department. In exceptional cases where credit is awarded without validation through departmental examination, it must be supported by official and verifiable documentation. A copy of all documentation in support of the award of credit must be submitted to the Associate Vice President for Instruction with the appropriate form requesting credit.

Examples of non-traditional experiences for which the award of credit may be considered are:

  1. Military training and experience.
  2. Selected work experience in business and industry.
  3. Professional certificates, licenses and other recognized credentials.
  4. Learning achieved through workshops, seminars, conferences, apprenticeships, or in-house/on-the-job training.
  5. Other experiences with appropriate documentation.

Students seeking credit for experience should contact both the counseling center for the appropriate request form and a faculty member in the subject area to make arrangements to document proficiency. The student is responsible for identifying the specific experiences for which he/she seeks credit. There is a fee of $40 for credit by examination/experience/advanced placement.

Guidelines Applicable to Credit by Examination/Experience/Non-Credit Learning

Student must be currently enrolled at Northeast and must have completed at least 12 semester hours of course work at Northeast to be eligible to receive credit by examination/experience.

  1. Credit may be granted only as it relates to specific courses offered by Northeast.
  2. Courses for which credit is granted will be reflected on the student’s transcript. The symbol “CR” (credit), rather than a grade, will be posted to the transcript. In addition, the transcript will note that credit was earned through a non-traditional method.
  3. Examination/experience credit will not be awarded for courses in which a student is currently enrolled, has previously earned a grade, has previously failed, or which are prerequisite to courses for which credit has already been earned.
  4. Fifteen hours of credit by examination/experience may be applied toward graduation requirements. The number of credits awarded may not exceed the total number of credits required for the student’s specific associate degree objectives. No graduation, residency, degree or program requirements will be waived as a result of credits earned as provided by the policy.
  5. Transfer of credit earned through credit by examination/experience is determined by the receiving institution. The student is urged to verify transferability with the college/university to which transfer is intended.

Guidelines for Awarding International Baccalaureate Diploma Credit

Northeast Texas Community College will grant a minimum of 24 semester credit hours (SCH) to any new student receiving the International Baccalaureate Diploma with a score of at least a 4 on all subjects. The maximum number of semester credit hours that will be awarded is 30. Northeast may grant fewer than 24 SCH to an entering student if the student has scored less than 4 on any IBD examination administered as part of the diploma program. This stipulation applies only to courses that are related to the subject of the exam for which the student did not achieve the required score. Applicants with the IB diploma must provide a completed IB transcript to the Admissions Office prior to enrolling in order to receive credit.

IB Subject SL Score HL Score Northeast/TCCN Credit Hours
English A1 5 4 ENGL 1301  or ENGL 1302   3
     5+  ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302   6
Spanish A2 or B 5 4 SPAN 2311 , MATH 2312   6
 Business & Management BUSI 1301  
Economics  5 4 ECON 2301 , ECON 2302   6
Geography 5 4 GEOG 1303   3
History 5 4 HIST 1301  or HIST 1302   3
    5+ HIST 1301 , HIST 1302   6
 Philosophy 5 4 PHIL 1301   3
Psychology 5 4 PSYC 2301   3
    5+ PSYC 2301 , PSYC 2314   6
Social & Cultural Anthropology 5 4 ANTH 2351   3
Biology 4  5 BIOL 1406   4
        & BIOL 1407   4
Chemistry (must pass lab for credit)   5 CHEM 1405  or CHEM 1406   4
Chemistry (must pass lab for credit) 6   CHEM 1411   4
Physics 5 4 PHYS 1401 , PHYS 1402   8
Mathematics (HL only) 4 4 MATH 2413   4
Computer Science 5   BCIS 1305   4
Visual Arts 5 4 ARTS 1301   3
Music 5 4 MUSI 1306   3