Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Services

Special Support Services

In an effort to enable students to make meaningful and informed academic and occupational choices, NTCC provides support services to those who may be classified as members of a “special population.” These population groups include single parents, displaced homemakers, and economically or educationally disadvantaged students. Services that may be available to qualified special population students include child care and/or travel assistance. Some restrictions apply and services are contingent upon the availability of funds. For more information, visit the Coordinator of Special Populations in the Student Services Center or by calling (903) 434-8264.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students who need special accommodations due to a physical or learning challenge should meet with the Coordinator of Special Populations. Reasonable accommodations include (but may not be limited to) additional time or changes in location for taking exams, arrangements for tutoring, aids with which to assist those who are sight or hearing impaired, access to help with lecture notes, and so on.

Please not that students who believe they have disabilities that qualify them for accommodations are responsible for providing appropriate documentation via a physical, psychological or educational evaluation or referral from a rehabilitation agency. The required documentation should state clearly the need for accommodations and that the disability meets ADA standards. This process must be completed before any accommodations can be arranged. Initial application should be made prior to the start of the semester for which the student is enrolling to allow sufficient time for the coordination of services.

Accommodation services are reviewed upon the request of the student. Current or prospective students who have concerns regarding support services should contact the Coordinator of Special Populations at 903-434-8264, or visit the NTCC website,

MyEagle Orientation

MyEagle Orientation is a mandatory online course that helps prepare students for college. All first-time/full-time students are required to complete the course which can be located in MyEagle Portal.

Testing Services

The Testing Center offers a variety of local, state and national tests. They include the ASE, CLEP, TCLEOSE, SAT, ACT, GED, THEA IBT, HESI A2, ATI TEAS, TSI A2, Pearson Vue CBT, TCEQ, PAN, PSI and Certiport. Appointments or advanced registration is required. Students may direct inquiries to the Testing Center at 903-434-8273.

Degree Planning And Academic Advisement

In recognition of the importance of academic advising and the challenges of navigating the college experience, upon acceptance, College Navigators are assigned to each student, based on the declared major.  All incoming students must meet with their assigned College Navigator before and during the first semester of enrollment.

Although College Navigators and faculty will make every effort to ensure students are provided the most appropriate advice possible in degree planning, it is ultimately the students’ responsibility to ensure they register for classes that meet their educational goals and comply with all program requirements. Students intending to transfer to a university are encouraged to bring a copy of the catalog for their chosen university when meeting with their navigator. For more information regarding degree plans and course transferability, students are encouraged to make an appointment with their College Navigator but may be seen on a walk-in basis if necessary.  

Student Development

The Office of Student Development and Inclusion at Northeast Texas Community College provides the resources, guidance, and support to enhance student achievement through quality campus activities. This office, which is student-centered and is dedicated to leadership development plans and implements dynamic co-curricular activities and opportunities designed specifically to encourage the success of all students.


The Office of Student Development and Inclusion is responsible for fostering a vision of diversity appreciation reflective of the College’s strategic plan, which enables students, faculty and staff from all ethnicities, backgrounds, and cultures to thrive together and succeed at NTCC. The Office provides an institutionalized approach for meeting the co-curricular needs of students by coordinating and planning educational opportunities that enhance interaction and learning across all ethnic groups, backgrounds, and cultures. Through intentional programming and training, the Office assists each department on campus in understanding, appreciating, and celebrating diversity. NTCC is proud to recognize, welcome and embrace the spectacular range of cultural diversity we proudly share within our campus community.

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Northeast Texas Community College is an advocate for the student body and serves as a liaison between the students and the college administration. SGA is committed to assessing student needs, serving as a voice for the student body, aiding in the planning of quality student activities, and enhancing the student experience and life on campus. SGA also promotes the image of the College and its student body, and provides students with an opportunity for leadership development. Information on becoming a member can be obtained in the office of the Director of Student Development and Inclusion. The Student Government Association office is located within SUB 101A. Information on student organizations, activities, or SGA is available from SUB 101A.

Student Organizations

The College encourages the organization of student clubs and organizations, which will enhance the education, growth, and development of its students. Student organizations are maintained in order to complement the curricula in developing mental, physical, and social aspects of the individual student. A faculty or staff member sponsors these organizations. The Student Government Association offers support to students wishing to form a new organization or club. Student organizations include:  

  • Ag Club
  • Baptist Student Ministries
  • BioChem Club
  • Biology Club
  • Carroll Shelby
  • Cosmetology Club
  • Eagle Baseball
  • Eagle News Media
  • Eagle Rodeo
  • Eagle Soccer
  • Eagle Softball
  • Honors Society
  • Library
  • NTCC Business Club
  • NTCC Film Club
  • NTCC PTA Club
  • NTCC TableTop
  • Phi Theta Kappa
  • Physical Therapist Assistant Club
  • Psi Beta National Honor Society
  • Sigma Kappa Delta
  • Social Work Club
  • Sociology Travel Club
  • Student Government Association
  • Student Honors Council
  • Student Nurses Organization
  • Wesley Fellowship

The list of student organizations does not reflect changes that may have occurred since date of publication.

Intramural Sports

The intramural program at Northeast Texas Community College exists to offer a variety of sports and activities for students, faculty, and staff. The emphases are on interest and participation. This program provides an outlet for athletic interests that goes beyond participation in physical education courses or in a particular varsity sport. It also provides the college community a venue for socialization and fellowship through participation in athletic activities. Opportunities for involvement in a variety of organized physical activities and the positive use of leisure time are also available.

The intramural program provides both competitive and recreational alternatives. Opportunities for individuals to compete with others of their own ability, to support others in athletic participation, and to improve one’s own health and physical fitness are all important components of the intramural program.

  Fall Programs: Spring Programs:
  Doubles Pool Tournament Doubles Pool Tournament
  Doubles Ping Pong Tournament Doubles Ping Pong Tournament
  3 on 3 Basketball 3 on 3 Basketball

* Other sports may be added during the year

Athletic Program

Northeast Texas Community College offers intercollegiate athletic competition for both men and women in a variety of sports. NTCC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA). NJCAA sports include men’s baseball and women’s fast pitch softball and men’s and women’s soccer at the Division I level. Men’s rodeo and women’s rodeo participate in NIRA sanctioned events. For additional information about NTCC’s athletic programs go to

Eagle Mail Email Service

EAGLE Mail, a college email service, is available to college students upon registration. This system allows you to communicate with college faculty, staff, and other college students. In order to access this resource, log onto and follow the link, NTCC Eagle Mail. Student email address consists of their first initial, last name, and the last three digits of their social security number. The password is their 8-digit birthdate.

College Store

The College Store, located in the Student Union Building, is a self-supporting auxiliary service, owned and operated by Northeast Texas Community College.

The College Store is the one stop shop for the college student’s needs.  The Store offers a wide variety of merchandise, including school and medical supplies, official college apparel and a large convenience store area offering snacks, drinks, and hygiene products.

The College Store posts the official college textbooks and course material requirements for all NTCC courses. The Store offers great customer service and are here to answer all course material questions.  The Store also supplies the uniforms for various programs on campus, including health sciences, welding, and cosmetology.

The College Store is the shipping and receiving hub for the campus, and are a USPS, UPS, and FedEx drop off location.  The Store offers shipping options with United States Postal Service and UPS. The store is the official mailroom for NTCC student residences.

The College Copy Center is located within the College Store and offers print services for our departments, students, and community.

Check out the store’s website,, to view/order textbooks, course materials, and a large variety of other items.

The College Store accepts Cash, Check, Mobile Payments, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and student financial aid including scholarships, grants, loans, and third-party payers.

The College Store hours are Monday - Thursday 7:30-6:00 and Friday 8:00-Noon.

Student Union Building

The Student Union Building (SUB), located in the center of the campus, houses the College Store, Student Activities and Multicultural Affairs office, food services, vending machines, game room, and meeting rooms.

Vending Machine Refunds - The Bookstore handles refunds of money lost in the snack and beverage vending machines.

Food Service

Food Service is available in the Student Union Building daily during Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

Fall and Spring


Breakfast              7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Lunch                    11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Dinner                  5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday:

Brunch                  11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Dinner                  5:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m.


Breakfast              7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (Program Specific)

Lunch                    12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. (All Summer)

Dinner                  5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Program Specific)


The College Store and vending machines are also available in the Student Union Building, offering a large selection of snack and food items.



The College maintains a student housing facility for up to 214 occupants. Student housing provides students the opportunity to further individual educational development through social interaction with fellow students. A director of residential life is responsible for the daily activities and programs within the facility, communication of the College policies and the safe operation of the facility.

Residential housing at NTCC offers a variety of options to fit your budget and lifestyle. Students can choose from a more traditional dorm experience (Student Housing West) or apartment-style units (Student Housing East). In addition to the convenience of living on campus, students enjoy amenities such as free wi-fi, free parking, free laundry, extended access to fitness center, fully-furnished units, secure card access to building and rooms, security officer on campus 24 hours a day, and student lounge areas.

A housing applications fee of $100 is required to reserve housing space. A resident student may cancel his/her assignment and receive a refund of application fee if the cancellation is received prior to July 1 for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester. All students residing in college housing during the fall and/or spring semesters are required to purchase a meal plan from the College cafeteria. The meal program consists of 19 meals a week; 3 meals daily Monday-Friday; 2 meals on Saturday and Sunday, excluding holidays and vacation periods. Limited meal plans are available during the summer. Students with confirmed reservations must make housing and meal payments either in full or according to a specified payment schedule.

Students interested in living on campus, or who would like additional information should contact the housing department at or 903-434-8176. 


Parking permits can be obtained in the Student Services Building. Parking permits are required to be displayed on vehicles parked in the designated parking area. Students should park only in designated parking spaces.

  1. Only vehicles with state approved handicapped permits will be allowed to park in handicapped parking spaces. All others will be issued parking tickets with a fine of $180.
  2. Vehicles parking in any area other than a designated parking space may be issued a parking ticket.
  3. There is no trailer parking allowed on the parking lots.
  4. The circular parking area located in the entrance of the campus is for VISITORS’ use only. Any vehicle parked there for more than 30 minutes may be issued a parking ticket.
  5. Fines are assessed to all parking tickets issued. Fines should be paid within thirty (30) days in the Student Services Building. Official transcripts may be held until fine is paid.
  6. For further information contact the Security Department. 

Health Services

Immunization Requirements

The State of Texas requires that institutions of higher education provide the following immunization information to all students applying for admission. The institution also has the option, by law, to require proof of immunization, prior to admission, for diphtheria, rubeola, rubella, mumps, tetanus and poliomyelitis. Vaccination for Bacterial Meningitis is required by law for all students under the age of 23 years who attend classes on the NTCC campus, and all students residing in the dormitories regardless of age.

  1. Measles-It is strongly recommended, because of recent outbreaks of measles among college-age persons, that students have two doses of measles vaccine prior to beginning classes. Most young adults have had only one dose. The measles vaccine is most often given in combination with the vaccines for mumps and rubella (MMR).
  2. Tetanus-Tetanus vaccine is effective for about 10 years and needs to be “boosted” at that interval. It is common for older adults to develop tetanus because they do not receive the 10 year boosters. Tetanus vaccine should be given with the diphtheria vaccine.
  3. Poliomyelitis-Although polio immunization is not routinely recommended for persons 18 years of age or older, if travel to other parts of the world is planned, a physician should be contacted for specific recommendations.
  4. Hepatitis B-All students enrolled in health related courses who will have direct patient contact, especially contact with patients’ blood, are encouraged to have a complete series of immunizations for hepatitis B or proof of immunity before beginning direct patient care. Northeast Texas Community College offers no health services and is unable to assume responsibility for student medical/dental expenses. First aid may be provided in emergency situations.
  5. Bacterial Meningitis- Information about bacterial meningitis is provided to all new college students in the state of Texas, and proof of vaccination is required for all students who are under the age of 22 years who attend classes on the NTCC campus and all students residing in the dormitories regardless of age. Bacterial Meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress extremely fast, so take utmost caution. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on College campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year. There is a treatment, but those who survive may develop severe health problems or disabilities. For additional information, contact the Admissions and Records Office.

Drug Free School And Community Policy

Northeast Texas Community College students are prohibited from using, possessing, controlling, manufacturing, transmitting, distributing, selling, or being under the influence of intoxicating beverages on College District property, in College District vehicles, and at College District-related activities. The policy can be found at FLBE - Student Conduct: Alcohol and Drug Use.

HIV/AIDS And The Workplace Guidelines

Information concerning AIDS and the workplace guidelines can be found in the Board Policy Manual located at