Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office provides grants, scholarships, short-term loans, and/or job opportunities. These aid opportunities are provided in the belief that education should not be controlled by the financial resources of students. The amount and type of aid a student may receive depends on the availability of funds and the student’s established financial need.

Any applicant who is married, 24 years of age or older, a graduate/professional student, orphaned or a ward of the Court, a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, or has legal dependents other than a spouse may be considered self-supporting (independent).

Federal and state funding not used to pay tuition and fees, books, or room and board charges will be disbursed to the student. This amount should be reported on the student/parent federal income tax return.

Minimum Requirements for Eligibility

Must be attending Northeast for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate, or be enrolled in a transfer program leading to a baccalaureate degree. Programs require a minimum of three (3) hours per semester.

Must have a U.S. high school diploma (this can be a foreign school if it is equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma) or GED certificate.

Must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.

Must be making satisfactory academic progress as defined here.

Male applicants who are at least 18 years old and were born after December 31, 1960, must be registered with the Selective Service as required by federal regulations.

Applicants cannot be in default on federal loans or owe a refund to a Federal Pell or Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program.

Application Procedures

Students needing financial assistance must complete these steps each year:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on-line at Computers for student use are available in Student Services or The Bill and Sally Ratliff Computer Lab, located in the Learning Commons.
  2. If the FAFSA is marked for verification by the Department of Education, the student and/or parents will be required to furnish supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office.
  3. Submit a Northeast financial aid application.
  4. Transfer Students will be required to furnish academic college transcript(s) from all other schools attended regardless of course completion, transferability, program of study, etc.
  5. Turn in all required materials to the Financial Aid Office by priority date in order to have financial assistance available during registration.

Students who need financial assistance are encouraged to complete their application well in advance of registration for the semester they wish to attend.

Important Dates - Although an application for financial aid may be submitted at any time during the term, priority is given to students who complete their file with the financial aid office by the dates recommended below:

Fall Semester - June 1

Spring Semester - October 1

Summer - April 1

Students whose files are completed after these dates cannot be assured of funding availability for registration purposes.

EARLY application allows the Financial Aid Office time to prepare a realistic financial aid package.

Financial Aid Students Withdrawing From Courses

How a Withdrawal Affects Financial Aid

Title IV (federal) financial aid funds are awarded under the assumption that a student will remain in classroom attendance for the entire period (semester) for which the funds were awarded.

When a student withdraws from all courses, regardless of the reason, she/he may no longer be eligible for the full amount of funds originally awarded.  The return of funds to the federal government is based on the premise that a student earns financial aid in proportion to the length of time during which she/he remains enrolled.  A pro-rated schedule determines the amount of federal student aid funds she/he will have earned at the time of full withdrawal.  For example, a student who withdraws in the second week of the semester has earned less of his/her financial aid than a student who withdraws in the fifth week. Once the 60% point in the semester is reached, a student is considered to have earned all of the financial aid originally awarded and not be required to return any funds.

Federal regulations require a recalculation of financial eligibility if a student:

  • completely withdraws;
  • stops attending before the semester’s end (this is considered an unofficial withdrawal and the return is based on the last date of an academically-related activity);
  • does not complete all modules (mini-sessions) in which the student is enrolled as of the start date of the mini session.

Northeast students who receive federal financial aid who do not remain in attendance through the end of the semester could be responsible for repaying a portion of the financial aid originally received.

Students who do not begin attendance in classes are not eligible for federal financial aid and must repay all aid originally received.

How to Withdraw from Class(es)

See:  “Adding or Dropping a Course” in Registration .

How Earned Financial Aid is Calculated

Financial aid recipients “earn” the aid they originally received by remaining in classes.  The amount of federal assistance earned is based on a pro-rated system.  Students who withdraw or do not complete all classes in which they were enrolled may be required to return some of the aid originally awarded.

Northeast is required to determine the percentage of Title IV aid “earned” by the student and returned the “unearned” portion to the appropriate federal aid programs. Northeast is required to perform this calculation within 30 days of the date the school determines that a student has completely withdrawn. The school must return the funds within 45 days of the calculation. The Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation is completed by the Financial Aid Office.  The following explains the formula used to determine the percentage of unearned aid to be returned to the federal government.

  • The percent earned in equal to the number of calendar days completed up to the withdrawal date divided by the total number of calendar days in the payment period.
  • The payment period for most students is the full 16-week fall and spring semesters or the full 10-week summer semester. However, for students enrolled in modules (mini-session), the payment period only includes those days for the module in which the student is enrolled.
  • The percent of unearned is equal to 100 percent less the percent earned.
  • Break of 5 days or longer are not included in the count of total days in the payment period.
For Students Enrolled in Flex Entry/Fast Track Classes

A student is considered withdrawn if the student does not complete all of the days in the payment period that the student was scheduled to complete.  Northeast tracks enrollment in each class that doesn’t span the entire 10-week summer or 16-week fall or spring semesters and combines them to form a semester.  If a student withdraws from a course in a later class while still attending a current class, the student is not considered as withdrawn based on not attending the other class.  However, a recalculation of aid based on the change in enrollment status may be required.

If a student provides written notice to the Financial Aid Office at the time of withdrawal from a current class that s/he plans to attend a later class in the same payment period, s/he is not considered a withdrawal.  If the student does not provide that written confirmation, the R2T4 recalculation of aid will be done.  However, if the student does return in a later class in the same payment period, regardless of whether prior written confirmation was received, the R2T4 process will be reversed and the student will be awarded the funds that s/he is eligible to receive at the time of the return.

Post-Withdrawal Disbursement of Loan Proceeds

When the R2T4 calculation results in the student’s being eligible to receive either Federal Direct Stafford Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan proceeds, s/he will be contacted via e-mail and US mail by the Financial Aid Office.  Written authorization from the student will be requested and is required before loan proceeds can be processed and awarded to the student.

Determination of Withdrawal Date

The withdrawal date used in the R2T4 calculation is the actual last date of attendance as provided by the instructors on the withdrawal form.

Withdrawing Prior to the 60% Point of a Payment Period

Unless and until a student completes 60% of the term in which financial aid was awarded, the student will be required to return all or part of the financial aid originally awarded for the term.

When a Student Fails to Begin Attendance

If a student never begins attendance in a class for which s/he registered in a term, they are dropped from the classes by the Registrar and a recalculation of aid based on the change in enrollment status is performed.

Order of Return to Federal Aid Programs

In accordance with federal regulations, unearned aid will be returned to the federal programs in the following order:

  • Federal Direct Loans:  Unsubsidized, then Subsidized
  • Federal Direct Parent Loans
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Information Regarding Loan Repayment

The R2T4 calculation may result in the student’s being responsible for directly returning additional loan amounts to the U.S. Department of Education.

The loan grace period begins on the withdrawal date from the school or when a student ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis.  If the student does not re-enrolled as a half-time student within 6 months of withdrawal or less than half-time enrollment, the loans enter repayment.  The student should contact the loan servicer or the US department of Education with any questions.

Consequences of Non-Repayment

Students who owe the US Department of Education for an overpayment of Title IV funds are not eligible for any additional federal financial aid until the overpayment is paid in full or payment arrangements are made with the US Department of Education.  Students who owe Northeast because of an R2T4 calculations will be placed on a financial hold.  They will not be allowed to register for subsequent semesters or receive academic transcripts until the balance is paid.

How a Withdrawal Affects Future Financial Aid Eligibility

Refer to the Financial Aid Office Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy to determine how a withdrawal impacts aid eligibility.

NOTE:  This policy is subject to revision without notice based on changes to federal laws and regulations or Northeast policies.  If changes are made, the student is held to the most current policy.  This statement is to provide an overview of policies and procedures related to a complicated and very encompassing regulation.  Additional information, including examples of R2T4 calculations, is available in the Financial Aid Office.

Refund of Tuition and Fees

Students who drop or withdraw from courses at Northeast shall have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the schedule adopted by the Texas Higher Education Coordinator Board.  See:  Refund of Tuition and Fees

Funding for Summer School

Summer only transfer students are not eligible for financial aid at Northeast unless they have eligibility left on Pell.

Students must submit a Summer Financial Aid Request (found on MyEagle Portal under Student Online Forms) by May 1 to ensure processing in time for summer classes.

Pell, FSEOG and TPEG Grant funding are the only forms of financial aid offered during summer sessions. FSEOG and TPEG are based on funds available and require that students be enrolled in at least six hours.

To be considered for summer Pell Grant funding, a student must:

  1. Have remaining eligibility from their current academic year Student Aid Report, AND have a completed financial aid file for the current academic year on file in the financial aid office.
  2. Be maintaining satisfactory academic progress (see policy for details).
  3. Enroll for at least 3 credit hours.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The United States Department of Education guidelines require the Financial Aid Office at Northeast Texas Community College to monitor a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is accomplished by meeting minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements (qualitative requirements) and course completion in accordance with the Pace and Timeframe Requirement (quantitative requirements).

This policy applies to all new, transfer, continuing, and returning students regardless of enrollment status or program of study.  SAP is evaluated on a semester-by-semester basis at the completion of each semester (fall, spring, and summer) and before financial aid is extended for the following term.  While on Financial Aid Suspension, the student is not eligible to receive financial aid funds.  To regain eligibility to financial aid, a student must complete a Financial Aid Appeal which will be reviewed to determine if financial aid can be restored.  

If student is not in compliance with the SAP Policy at the completion of semester, it will cause the student to be placed on Financial Aid WARNING during the next term of enrollment.

  • While on Warning status, the student will remain eligible to receive financial aid.
  • If student successfully completes the warning period and the cumulative GPA and completion rate meet the SAP standards the student returns to ‘good standing’
  • If the student does not successfully complete the warning period, the student will be placed on Financial Aid SUSPENSION. While on suspension, financial aid is not available.

After grades are posted each semester, students on warning and suspension will be notified by campus email.

Satisfactory academic progress for financial aid is accomplished through the following measures:

Qualitative - Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA each semester.  *FINANCIAL Aid GPA=Total institutional grade points/Total institutional hours earned. (This is often different than the GPA that appears on the academic transcript.)

  • Transfer credits (grade of CR) are not included in qualitative component.
  • Developmental coursework and all other institutional coursework, including repeated courses, are included in the qualitative component.
  • Withdrawn courses (W) will not be counted in the GAP but will affect the pace and timeframe requirement.

Quantitative - Pace and Timeframe Requirement

  • For financial aid purposes, grades of ‘F’, ‘I’,’W’ or ‘NC’ on a Northeast transcript will be counted as hours attempted, but not completed.
  • Successful completion is defined as receiving one of the following grades: ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, or ‘D’.
  • Transfer credits (CR) will be counted as hours attempted/completed.
  • Students must complete 75% of attempted credit hours. This is calculated by dividing the total number of hours successfully completed by the total number of hours attempted.

Students cannot receive aid for hours exceeding 150% of the published length of their program of study (major). A student becomes ineligible when it is mathematically impossible to complete a program within 150% of the length of the program. This is calculated by dividing the total number of hours successfully completed by the total number of hours attempted. For example, if enrolled in a 60-hour associate degree program, a student must be on the pace to complete the program with 90 or less attempted hours. All attempted hours for a student’s program, whether taken at Northeast or another institution, will be counted toward the attempted and completed credit hours, regardless of whether financial aid was received or not. 

Students must be pursuing an eligible degree or certificate to be eligible for financial aid. Developmental or remedial courses may be considered for funding if required as a prerequisite to enable the student to successfully complete a degree or certificate objective. Remedial courses are funded up to a one-year limit (30 hours maximum).

Repeat Courses - When calculating Title IV eligibility, students can only retake a previously-passed course one time. After the first retake, future enrollments will not be included in the determination of enrollment status.  Each attempt is included in the completion ratio.

Incomplete (‘I’ grades) - A grade of ‘I’ indicates that a student has not finished all coursework required for a grade and is included in the cumulative credits attempted.  An incomplete grade will not count as hours passed until a final grade is posted.  If a student’s ‘I’ grade changes during a semester, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the financial aid office of the change.  If the change of grade will affect the students financial aid eligibility, the financial aid office will then do a recalculation during the semester.  Otherwise, the change of grade will not be factored into the overall completion rate until the next end of semester evaluation.

Audit Courses - Audit courses neither earn credit or influence grade point average and are not counted in credits attempted.  Audit courses are not eligible for financial aid.

Change of Program of Study/Major - A student may change from one program of study/major to another during his/her attendance.  Students who change from one program of study/major to another are still expected to maintain satisfactory academic progress and complete the course work within the time frame limitations. The total amount of credit hours taken will be evaluated for SAP.

Prior Attendance - The financial aid office is required to consider all attendance when determining whether a student is making Satisfactory Academic Progress, regardless of the year taken and even if financial aid was not received during any of the previous periods of enrollment.  The financial aid office will review the student’s academic history to determine if the SAP requirements have been met.  Any student who does not meet these requirements will be placed on “warning”, “probation” or “suspension” as appropriate.

To Reinstate Financial Aid

Students on financial aid SUSPENSION are offered the opportunity to regain eligibility to financial aid by successfully completing a minimum of six hours of coursework* (paid for with funds other than financial aid) and submitting a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form to the Northeast Office of Financial Aid. 

(*In the case of extenuating circumstances, the requirement for successful completion of six hours of coursework prior to submitting appeal request can be waived.)

The appeal request must be made, in writing on the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form, to the Northeast Office of Financial Aid. 

Extenuating and mitigating circumstances beyond a student’s control in which an appeal may be granted include, but are not limited to:

  • Serious illness
  • Documented learning disability
  • Documented medical condition that prevented completion
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Involuntary all to active military duty
  • Emergency situations such as natural disasters
  • Maximum attempted hours have been reached

To receive priority processing, appeals must be submitted within seven (7) days of notice or, if not attending in the upcoming term, at least 30 days prior to anticipated start date. All appeals and supporting documentation will be accepted, reviewed, and approved/denied by campus financial aid professionals on a case-by-case basis.  The student will be notified of the decision by campus email.

The appeal should include the following:

  • The required appeal form. The form is available in the Financial Aid Office or online.
  • Personal statement that includes explanation of extenuating circumstances and resolution or plan of action explaining what will ensure future academic success.
  • Relevant documentation such as letter from doctor, death notice, car repair receipt, advising worksheet/academic plan, etc.

If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid PROBATION and financial aid will be reinstated for the period they are placed on probation.  Students placed on probation must comply with all conditions established by the Financial Aid Office.  If student’s GPA and/or completion rate does not meet the SAP standard at the next evaluation period, the student will be placed on Financial Aid SUSPENSION.

Academic Plan - Students may be placed on Academic Plan as condition of probation.  Students who meet the conditions of the academic plan during the probationary term by adhering to the conditions set forth in the plan but have not met the cumulative SAP requirements may remain on probation.  If the conditions set forth in the plan are not met, the student will be placed on Financial Aid SUSPENSION.

If the appeal is denied, the student is not eligible for aid until the student can demonstrate satisfactory academic progress.

A student is allowed one warning period and one appeal.  Subsequent appeals may be denied.  A student who has satisfactorily restored their SAP status to GOOD standing will be considered in compliance and will receive a new warning semester and may appeal subsequent infractions.

A student who fails to meet the conditions of their PROBATION will be placed on suspension and must follow the steps to reinstate financial aid to be reconsidered for financial aid.

Academic Amnesty/Academic Fresh Start

Senate Bill 1321 entitles residents of this state to seek admission to public institutions of higher education without consideration of courses undertaken ten or more years prior to enrollment. When students apply for “Academic Fresh Start” all credit 10 or more years old will not be used for admission. However, Federal Student Aid regulations make no provision for the concept of academic amnesty or academic fresh . Therefore, Northeast must always include courses applicable to a student’s major (whenever taken) in evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress (both quantitative and qualitative components) except as permitted under their SAP policy for handling transfer coursework. However, a student may be able to appeal loss of eligibility due to special circumstances.


Student Financial Aid for Continuing Education Courses

Tuition assistance is available for eligible individuals who wish to enroll in Continuing Education courses. The Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG) may be used for course tuition only and there is no reimbursement for pre-paid tuition bills. Financial aid can be awarded for up to 100% of course tuition, but not to exceed a total amount of $500. Awards will be based on determined eligibility and available state funding. The standard Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be completed eight weeks prior to registering for the class to ensure adequate time for processing.

Types of Aid Available

Completion of the FAFSA determines student eligibility for all programs 

Steps to Apply for Financial Aid


Visit the Northeast Foundation’s webpage for more information on available scholarships.


Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is a federal aid program. Eligibility is based on the financial strength of the student and/or his family and is determined by applying a standard need analysis formula. Completion of FAFSA will determine eligibility.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This is a supplemental grant that may be awarded to eligible students.

In selecting among eligible students for FSEOG awards in each award year, Northeast Texas Community College will select those students, both part-time and full-time, with the lowest expected family contributions (derived from FAFSA) who will also receive Federal Pell Grants in that year. 

If Northeast has FSEOG funds remaining after giving FSEOG awards to all the Federal Pell Grant recipients at the institution, the institution shall award the remaining FSEOG funds to those eligible students with the lowest expected family contributions who will not receive Federal Pell Grants.

A student can receive between $100 and $4,000 per year, depending on financial need, date financial aid file completed, amount of other aid, and availability of funds.  A portion of FSEOG will be disbursed each payment period during the academic year.  If a student intends to enroll during the summer term, and wishes to have their award applied against three semesters, they should notify the Financial Aid office by email ( prior to August 1.

Northeast receives a certain amount of FSEOG funds each year from the U.S. Department of Education’s office of Federal Student Aid. Once the full amount of FSEOG funds has been awarded to students, no more FSEOG awards can be made for that year.  For this reason, it is important to have a complete financial aid file by June 1 of each year.

Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)

Grants are made available to Texas students with demonstrated need. Grants vary depending on available funds.

Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG)

This grant provides funds to eligible students that are within the first 30 hours of their college coursework and enroll at least halftime in a certificate or associate degree program.  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board determines award amounts annually.

Student Employment

Federal/State Work Study Program

A federal or state program through which eligible students may earn part of their college expenses. Employment is on a part-time basis. Students are paid the current minimum wage rate, and work an average of 10 hours per week.

Campus Employment

This program provides limited employment for students that do not qualify for college work study. Employment will be part-time and will depend on available funds.

America Reads and America Math Programs

Students awarded funds from the federal work-study program may tutor grades K-3 in reading and grades K-9 in math. Students work at area schools. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you are interested in this program. Students must attend a three-day training workshop.


Short Term Emergency Loan

Need-based short term loans are made to enrolled students to help defray a portion of tuition, fees, books and supplies during regular registration periods only. These loans must be repaid during the semester in which the loan is made. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Federal and State Student Loan Information

Student loans, unlike grants, are borrowed money that must be repaid, with interest. You cannot have these loans canceled because you didn’t get a job in your field of study or because you’re having financial difficulty. Learn more about federal student loan debt at

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

The subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of need. No interest is charged before you begin repayment or during any authorized periods of deferment. The federal government pays the interest until the time of repayment.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

The Unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need. The student is responsible for interest during in-school and deferment periods. Interest accruing during those periods may be paid or capitalized as agreed by the borrower and lender.


Other Resources

Vocational Rehabilitation Program

The Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) offers assistance for tuition and fees to students who are vocationally challenged as a result of a physically or mentally disabling condition. This assistance is generally limited to students not receiving other types of aid. For information contact the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services in your area.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

The Bureau of Indian Affairs offers educational benefits to American Indian/Native students. Students need to contact the regional  office regarding eligibility.

     Bureau of Indian Affairs
     Oklahoma Area Education Office
     4149 Highline Blvd., Suite 380
     Oklahoma City, OK 73108
     (405) 945-6051 or 6052

Tuition Exemptions/Waivers

The state of Texas and Northeast Texas Community College provide and fund several tuition exemptions and/or waivers. Interested students should contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information about guidelines for qualifying.

  • Blind and Deaf Students
  • Certified Education Teacher Aide
  • Children of Disabled Firemen, Police Officers, Game Wardens and Employees of Texas
  • Dependents of Texas Veterans killed in action
  • High School Valedictorians
  • Senior Citizens
  • Students in Foster Care
  • Students of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action

Veterans’ Educational Benefits

Veterans’ Affairs

The Veterans’ Affairs Office at Northeast Texas Community College is part of the Financial Aid Office. Northeast is approved for Veterans’ Training under the GI Bill® of Rights, Public Laws 358 and 550 and under the Vocational Rehabilitation Laws. A student enrolling under any of the various provisions for VA Educational Benefits should be prepared to pay the initial cost of tuition and fees or request advance pay at least eight weeks prior to the period of enrollment. Students should be prepared to wait six to eight weeks before receiving their first payment from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Students receiving VA educational benefits must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses to satisfy VA Satisfactory Progress Standards. The Office of Veterans’ Affairs can certify enrollment only if:

  • Transcripts from all colleges and universities are on file
  • Courses fulfill degree/certificate requirements
  • Courses were not previously completed with a passing grade
  • Students are in good academic standing with a 2.0 minimum grade point average

Changes in enrollment status or complete withdrawal may result in partial or full repayment of VA benefits by the student. Veterans should contact the VA office for additional information and application.

Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Veterans with a service-connected disability may be eligible for tuition, fees, books and supplies. You may contact:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
1700 SSE Loop 323, Suite 310
Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 565-0440

Veterans’ Dependents’ Aid

The federal government has set up provisions in Public Law 634 whereby certain veterans’ dependents may be eligible for a subsidy while pursuing their education. Orphans of service personnel and dependents of veterans with service-connected disability may be eligible.

Texas National Guard Tuition Assistance Program

Senate Bill 526 passed by the 76th Legislature in 1999, created a college tuition exemption program for certain eligible individuals in the Texas Army or Air National Guard and Texas State Guard. Funds may be used for tuition only. If you have questions regarding this program, contact Education Services Office at Camp Mabry at (512) 465-5270 or

Hazlewood Act

Texas veterans whose educational benefits from the Veteran’s Administration have been used up or lapsed may be entitled to free tuition and some education related fees up to a maximum of 150 credit hours. Contact the Financial Aid Office or visit for more information.

Notice to all First Time Students

Students continuing their education at a university may quality for a $1,000 tuition rebate if they complete their bachelor’s degree efficiently.

The $1,000 Tuition Rebate is available at universities in the state of Texas.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall of 1997 or later.
  • A Texas resident, and have attempted all coursework at a Texas public institution of higher education and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  • Attempted no more than three (3) hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree in the catalog in which you are graduating.
  • Have not yet graduated from a university.

Students must apply for rebates toward receiving their baccalaureate degrees on forms provided by the institution they are graduating from and must keep the institution informed of their address for at least 60 days after graduation date.