Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Northeast Policies & Procedures

Recommended Academic Load

Ordinarily, a student load of 18 semester hours of course work is the maximum allowable. If an employed student carries a full course load, (12 semester hours or more) it is recommended the student should limit the total work time to 20 hours per week. If the student must work more hours, it is recommended the credit hour load in college should be reduced proportionately.

The maximum load limit during December Intersession is six credit hours and May Intersession is three credit hours. The maximum load limit during a five-week summer session is seven credit hours. The maximum load limit during a 10-week summer session is 14 credit hours.  The maximum load limit during 16-week fall or spring sessions is a total of 18 credit hours.  The maximum load limit during an eight-week fall or spring session is ten credit hours.

An overload (over 18 hours -  fall or spring semesters; over 14 hours -  summer session; over 7 hours -  5-week summer session) must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Instruction. Overloads are not permitted during December Intersession. Overloads are permitted during May Intersession if the student is participating in a travel course that spans the 10-summer term and has instructor approval.

Grading System

The grading system used at Northeast Texas Community College is as follows:

A (excellent), B (good), C (average), D (passing), F (failure), I (incomplete), W (withdrawal), NC (non-credit), CR (credit).

4 points per semester hour
3 points per semester hour
2 points per semester hour
1 point per semester hour
0 points per semester hour

The grade point average (GPA) is found by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. Grades of “CR,” “NC,” “W,” or “I” do not affect the grade point average.

Grade changes must be requested by the faculty member who issued the grade. Approval of the Associate Vice President for Instruction is required. Requests for a grade change must be made before the completion of the next fall or spring semester.


The conditional grade of “I” may be given to a student with the approval of the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to arrange with the instructor for completion of the course when an “I” is given. To remove an “I”, the student must complete the work of the course within 30 days after the beginning of the next fall or spring semester, at which time the earned grade will be received without penalty. If the student does not complete the work satisfactorily within the 30-day period, the “I” will become an “F.”


A student who officially withdraws from a course after the twelfth class day but within the first twelve weeks of a regular semester, after the seventh class day but within the first 8 weeks of the summer semester, or after the fourth class day but within the first four weeks of a 5-week summer term will receive a grade of “W” in the course. Students may not withdraw from school or drop classes after this time and receive the grade of “W.” Requests for withdrawal can be completed in person at the Student Services Center or by completing the Add/Drop/Withdrawal Form located in a student’s myEagle Portal.  Withdrawals will not be accepted via email or telephone.

Limits on the Number of Dropped Courses

Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, enacted by the Texas Legislature, applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as a first time freshman in Fall 2007 or later. The College may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including those taken at another Texas public institution of higher education. All courses dropped after the Official Day of Record are included in the six-course limit unless (1) the student withdraws from all courses or (2) the drop is authorized by an appropriate College official as an approved Drop Exception.

Drop Exceptions can be approved if the student documents that the drop was required for one of the following reasons for that reason the student could not satisfactorily complete the course:

  • The student, a member of the student’s family, or a person of equally important relationship to the student experiences a serious illness or other debilitating condition.
  • The student becomes responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person.
  • There is a death in the student’s family or of a non-family member of equally important relationship.
  • The student or a member of the student’s family, or a person of equally important relationship to the student, is called to active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States.
  • There is a change of the student’s work schedule that is beyond the student’s control.
  • The College determines that there is other good cause for the student to drop the course.

Enrollment and drop activities of students affected by this legislation will be monitored. Those who drop six or more courses without an approved Drop Exception will incur registration and drop restrictions during all subsequent semesters, and may incur other enrollment limitations or requirements. Any drops attained while attending a former educational institution will be recorded by the Admissions Office on the student’s Northeast record, and drops attained while at Northeast will be recorded on the student’s transcript, compiled with any previous drops, and supplied to future transfer universities.

Northeast Texas Community College students liable under this legislation who plan to attend another Texas public college or university should determine that institution’s policies and penalties for dropping courses and for approving Drop Exceptions.

Non-Credit Status

A person who meets admission requirements may, with the consent of the instructor, enroll in a credit course as a non-credit student. The non-credit fee and admission requirements are the same as for credit enrollment. A listing of “NC” will be posted on the student’s transcript. A student may not change status after the twelfth class day during the fall or spring semester, the seventh class day during the 10-week summer semester, or the fourth class day in the 5-week summer sessions.


Following the end of the eighth week of each regular semester, students may request a statement of progress report from each instructor for each course they are enrolled in. Students may access their mid-term and final grades on MyEagle at Any questions or concerns regarding grades should be discussed with the instructor. 


Transcripts from other institutions submitted to Northeast Texas Community College become the property of the College and are not to be reproduced and/or mailed to other institutions, agencies, or individuals. The policy considers that 1) the transcript(s) have become admissions documents; 2) the transcript(s) may no longer be complete and/or correct; 3) the other institution may now have blocks on the student’s records; and 4) in most cases, an official document will be required, not a copy. Official copies of transcripts from other institutions may be mailed to NTCC Admissions, PO Box 1307, Mount Pleasant, TX 75456-1307 or can be sent electronically to  Students may also hand-deliver official transcripts from other institutions directly to Student Services as long as the transcript envelope remains sealed.  Opened transcripts will not be accepted as official copies.

NTCC Official transcripts of a student’s work may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office (for credit coursework) or the Continuing Education Office (for non-credit coursework) in accordance with federal guidelines. Official transcripts may be requested using the Transcript Request link in MyEagle. Former students who no longer have access may request a transcript by visiting . The Transcript Request page offers several request options.

Honor Roll

Northeast Texas Community College recognizes academic achievement for both part-time and full-time students. To be included on the Academic Honors List a student must have the following grade point averages in courses numbered 1000 or above.

  Academic Honors 12 hours or more 3.5
  Special Academic Merit 9-11 hours 3.75
  Special Academic Merit 7-8 hours 4.0

The Academic Honors List is published after the close of the fall and spring semesters.


Northeast Texas Community College offers four associate degrees and a number of certificates. Students have the option of meeting graduation requirements of the current catalog or those outlined in the catalog under which they entered Northeast Texas Community College, provided the catalog is dated no more than five years prior to the expected graduation date.

Commencement ceremonies are held in May, August and December. Refer to the Academic Calendar for commencement/graduation application deadlines.

To be considered as a candidate for a degree or certificate, the student must submit a formal application for graduation on or before the deadline specified in the academic calendar.  

The following steps should be followed when applying for graduation:

  1. The student should meet with his/her advisor prior to completing the Graduation Application in order to determine whether or not he/she has met all requirements for the degree or certificate.
  2. A Graduation Application is required whether or not the student intends to participate in the Graduation Ceremony. The electronic Graduation Applications for Spring, Summer, and Fall are located in the myEagle Student Portal on the Forms page. The Spring/May application opens on January 1; the Summer/August application opens on June 1; and the Fall/December application opens on September 1. Former students who no longer have access to myEagle Student Portal may email for information regarding other methods of application.
  3. The student should check his/her NTCC email on a regular basis for information regarding clearance and updates on ceremony dates and times, as well as other important details related to commencement and diplomas.
  4. Students must discharge all financial obligations to the College and clear all office or departmental holds prior to graduation.

For additional information regarding graduation, please email

Graduation With Honors

Associate Degree students who have excelled academically by meeting one of the sets of criteria listed below will graduate with the specified honors. The cumulative grade point average referred to in each set of criteria will be based on all work attempted at the post-secondary level. Courses that have been repeated for credit will be counted only one time utilizing the last grade earned.

PRESIDENT’S HONORS-The graduate must have met all associate degree requirements, earned at least 24 semester credit hours at Northeast,  and must have a 4.0 cumulative grade point average on all college level courses.

HIGH HONORS-The graduate must have met all associate degree requirements, earned at least 24 semester hours at Northeast, and must have at least a 3.8 cumulative grade point average.

HONORS-The graduate must have met all the associate degree requirements, earned at least 24 semester hours at Northeast, and must have at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average.

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat a course regardless of whether credit hours were previously earned; however, no more credit hours can be earned than would be received from one successful enrollment. If a student re-enrolls for credit, an asterisk (*) on the transcript will identify the repeated course. In determining graduation qualifications, the highest grade for a repeated course is computed in the cumulative grade point average.

Transfer students are reminded that the institution to which they wish to transfer may average both the original and the subsequent grades for determining transfer eligibility.

Course Cancellation Policy

The college reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet the minimum enrollment criteria or for other reasons. If a class is canceled, the Office of the Associate Vice President for Instruction will inform students and an effort will be made to help students find other courses that meet their needs. Tuition and fees for a canceled class will be refunded by the Business Office if no appropriate substitute can be found. Class information is subject to change without notice.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Northeast requires each student to maintain reasonable academic progress. The policy for governing academic progress is as follows.

Academic Early Alert

As a caution to students, an academic early alert is sent when a student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is between 2.0 and 2.25. Academic early alert does not penalize the student. An advisor will contact the student to help him/her find ways to improve his/her GPA.

Academic Warning

Northeast will place a student on academic warning if he/she fails to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above, regardless of the number of semester credit hours taken, and regardless of any break in enrollment. The College will place a hold on the records of a student on academic warning and he/she will only be able to register with the approval of the Associate Vice President for Student Services or his/her representative. A student may continue on academic warning provided a 2.0 or higher semester GPA is achieved in the last term of enrollment, even when the cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0.

Academic Suspension

A student is placed on academic suspension if, after being placed on academic warning for the last term enrolled, he/she fails to achieve at least a 2.0 GPA for the current semester and maintains a cumulative GPA below 2.0. An academically suspended student will not be able to enroll in any credit course for the next long semester (fall, spring, full summer) without completing a contract for improvement, or through a written appeal made to the Appellate Committee.

Academic Probation/Readmission

A student readmitted as a result of a successful appeal will be placed on academic probation. If the readmitted student enrolls in six (6) or more credit hours and earns a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, the student will be removed from suspension and probation and readmitted with no restrictions. If the student achieves a 2.0 or higher GPA for the term, but does not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, he/she will continue on academic probation for the following long semester.

Developmental Education Grading Policy

To advance to a college-level course, students must receive an A, B, C, or CR. 

Textbook Refund Policy

A receipt is required for All Returns and Exchanges.

All merchandise or textbooks must be in same condition as when purchased for any refunds or exchanges. General Merchandise returns and exchanges will be accepted within 7 business days. Textbook returns and exchanges will be accepted with a receipt within 48 business hours of purchase and through the census date of the Term/Course purchased for. 

Special Orders and Reference material are not eligible for refunds.

Refer to your receipt or contact the College Store for exact dates.

Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy

General Policy Statement

Northeast Texas Community College provides its faculty, staff, and students with access to information technologies and network resources. The College encourages the use of these resources for the advancement of its mission and fulfillment of its goals.

Northeast’s information technologies and network resources encompass, but are not limited to computer hardware and software; a network; computer laboratories; network bandwidth; databases, files, and other electronic information; software licenses and computing-related contracts; and usernames, passwords, and documentation. All such technology resources are the property of Northeast.

The purpose of this policy statement is to protect both the College’s technology resources and users of those resources. The policy also seeks to ensure equitable access and proper management of technology resources. 

Applicability and Related Agreements

This policy applies to all Northeast employees and students, individuals visiting the College in an official capacity, and members of the public who use the College’s resources through sanctioned venues such as the Learning Commons. 

Users agree to comply with all stipulations set forth in this policy. Additional unit or departmental policies may apply in specific circumstances, such as the use of resources in open computer laboratories and the Learning Commons. Users of Northeast’s technology resources agree to abide by all existing federal and state laws, both those laws and regulations specific to information technology and those governing personal conduct. 

Employees of Northeast agree to abide by all pertinent sections of the Policy Manual, including those sections regarding intellectual property and employment requirements and restrictions. 

Rights of Users

Users of Northeast’s technology resources have the right to the free expression of opinions and beliefs within the bounds of federal and state laws and College policies. Northeast reserves the right to remove from any College server any content or material that violates the law or College policies.

Users have no right to privacy with regard to their use of technology resources. Northeast may inspect or monitor individual use of technology resources. The College does not guarantee the security of any user’s email or files from external intrusion.

The College reserves the right to access a user’s email or files under circumstances including, but not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Requests for review or disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act and other laws
  • Routine system maintenance such as back-ups, data caching, and activity logging
  • Administrative review for security purposes or in regard to a policy-compliance question
  • Business-related needs, such as access to a needed file or electronic communication when an employee is absent from work and cannot be contacted
  •  Investigation of misconduct
  • Monitoring or inspection of accounts in suspected illegal activity, to protect the College from liability, when activity from an account prevents access to computing or networking resources by others, or for any other reason deemed to be in the legitimate interest of the College

   Users have the right to reasonable access to technology resources. Some resources are dedicated to specific programs or purposes that limit their access. Activities related to the College’s mission and goals take precedence over activities of a more personal nature, and the College reserves the right to limit access and specific uses if such access or use impedes college operations. The College may, for example, limit the use of programs that impinge upon available bandwidth, such as music/radio programs. On rare occasions access may be limited due to repair or maintenance of college equipment or the network.

Responsibilities of Users

Users are responsible for safeguarding their user IDs and passwords and may be held responsible for any or all activity generated from their accounts.

Users are responsible for complying with reasonable requests or instructions from Computer Services personnel and other managers/supervisors of technology resources.

Users are responsible for refraining from misuse of the College’s technical resources. Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Criminal and illegal acts
  • Failure to comply with policies, procedures, license agreements, and contracts pertinent to the use of technology resources
  •  Abuse of resources, including damage to hardware or software, interference with college or network operations, and tying up technology resources for an unreasonable length of time
  •  Use of the College’s technology resources for personal financial gain, including the transmission of commercial or personal advertisements, solicitations, or promotions
  • Allowing the use of one’s computer account or using another’s account
  • Unauthorized use, access, disclosure, or destruction of data contained in any electronic file or program owned by the College
  • Unauthorized duplication of commercial software
  • Attempting to circumvent or assisting in the circumvention of any security measure or administrative access control that protects college computer and networking resources
  • Use of the College’s technology resources for racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual harassment
  • Use of the College’s resources to access pornography 

Additional Stipulations

 Personal Use of Email and the Internet

 Northeast’s network and technology resources should be used primarily for academic or administrative purposes, and for the advancement of the College’s mission and fulfillment of its goals.

Limited personal use of email or the Internet by employees of the College is permitted as long as the use:

  • Does not create any cost to the state;
  • Has no adverse effect on an employee’s job performance;
  • Does not interfere with the employee’s official duties;
  • Is brief in volume and frequency;
  • Does not disrupt college business;
  • Does not compromise the security or integrity of college resources or information;
  • Does not burden the College’s computer or network resources; or
  • Does not otherwise violate state or federal laws, or Northeast policies.

 Web Publication Standards 

Units, departments, and individual employees may develop and publish web sites using college resources, provided such sites support the College’s mission and goals. All such web sites are considered college publications and are subject to the same policies and procedures governing print publications. The creator of a web site is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in its pages. Web site creators should review content on a periodic basis to assure continued accuracy. Web sites must offer telephone or email contact information for the unit, department, or individual to whom questions or comments should be directed.

Creators of web sites are responsible for compliance with all federal and state laws, including, but not limited to, copyright laws; obscenity laws; slander, libel, and defamation laws; and laws regarding piracy of software. Creators using copyrighted material with permission are responsible for 1) keeping on file a written statement of permission from the copyright holder and 2) using the material in a manner consistent with the standards and conditions set forth by the holder. Creators are also responsible for compliance with all college policies.

Copyright Infringement

Users agree to honor laws protecting intellectual property against copyright infringement. Examples of copyrighted materials existing in electronic format include, but are not limited to, software, database files, articles, and graphics files. The text of United States Code 17 governing copyright may be found at


Violations of this policy may result in temporary or permanent loss of computing and/or networking privileges. Any loss of privilege will be documented according to due-process procedures stated in the Policy Manual and the Student Handbook, and notification will be provided in accordance with the same procedures. Violators may also be subject to other sanctions related to policies, procedures, and codes of conduct for employees and students. Evidence of illegal activity will be turned over to the appropriate authorities.

 Reporting Violations

 Violations may be reported to the Director of Technical and Computer Services or any other appropriate college employee. Employees to whom violations are reported are responsible for providing the information to the Director of Technical and Computer Services.

Unauthorized Persons: Refusal Of Entry, Ejection, Identification

Vernon’s Statutes 51.209 states: “The governing board of a state institution of higher education or its authorized representatives may refuse to allow persons having no legitimate business to enter on property under the board’s control, and may eject any undesirable person from the property on refusal to leave peaceably on request. Identification may be required of any person on the property.”