Oct 24, 2024  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office provides grants, scholarships, short-term loans, and/or job opportunities. These aid opportunities are provided in the belief that education should not be controlled by the financial resources of students. The amount and type of aid a student may receive depends on the availability of funds and the student’s established financial need.

Any applicant who is married, 24 years of age or older, a graduate/professional student, orphaned or a ward of the Court, a veteran of the U.S. armed forces, or has legal dependents other than a spouse may be considered self-supporting.

Federal and state funding not used to pay tuition and fees, books, or room and board charges will be disbursed to the student. This amount should be reported on the student/parent federal income tax return.

Minimum Requirements for Eligibility

Must be attending NTCC for the purpose of obtaining a degree or certificate, or be enrolled in a transfer program leading to a baccalaureate degree. Programs require a minimum of three (3) hours per semester.

Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, eligible non-citizen.

Must be making satisfactory academic progress as defined here.

Male applicants who are at least 18 years old and were born after December 31, 1960, must be registered with the Selective Service as required by federal regulations.

Applicants cannot be in default on federal loans or owe a refund to a Federal Pell or Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.

Application Procedures

Students needing financial assistance must complete these steps each year:

  1. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on-line at http://www.fafsa.gov. Computers for student use are available in Student Services or the Learning Resource Center (LRC).
  2. If the FAFSA is marked for verification by the Department of Education, the student and/or parents will be required to furnish supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office.
  3. Submit an NTCC financial aid packet.
  4. Transfer Students will be required to furnish academic college transcript(s) from other schools attended.
  5. Turn in all required materials to the Financial Aid Office by priority date in order to have financial assistance available during registration.

Students who need financial assistance are encouraged to complete their application well in advance of registration for the semester they wish to attend.

Important Dates - Although an application for financial aid may be submitted at any time during the term, priority is given to students who complete their file with the financial aid office by the dates recommended below:

Fall Semester - June 1

Spring Semester - October 1

Summer - April 1

Students whose files are completed after these dates cannot be assured of funding availability for registration purposes.

EARLY application allows the Financial Aid Office time to prepare a realistic financial aid package.

Financial Aid Students Withdrawing From Courses

In accordance with Federal regulations, you will be required to repay all or a portion of your financial aid if you withdraw before 60% of the semester is completed. The amount to be repaid will be reported to the U.S. Department of Education and you will be ineligible for any federal financial aid at any school until the amount owed is repaid. In addition, a hold will be placed on your NTCC records. If you are contemplating withdrawing before the 60% point in the semester, you need to report to the Financial Aid office so that the amount you must repay can be calculated.

Funding for Summer School

Summer only transfer students are not eligible for financial aid at NTCC unless they have eligibility left on Pell.

Pell and TPEG Grant funding are the only forms of financial aid offered during summer sessions. TPEG is limited and based on funds available. To be considered for summer Pell Grant funding, a student must:

  1. have remaining eligibility from their current academic year Student Aid Report, OR have a completed financial aid file for the current academic year on file in the financial aid office.
  2. be maintaining satisfactory academic progress (see policy for details).
  3. enroll for at least 3 credit hours.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

The United States Department of Education guidelines require the Financial Aid Office at Northeast Texas Community College to monitor a student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is accomplished by meeting minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirements and course completion in accordance with the Pace and Timeframe Requirement. SAP is evaluated each semester before financial aid is extended for the following term. One semester of non-compliance with the SAP Policy will cause the student to be placed on Financial Aid WARNING. While on Warning status, the student will continue to receive financial aid. The second consecutive semester a student attends with non-compliance will place the student on Financial Aid SUSPENSION. While on suspension, no further aid can be awarded. After grades are posted each semester, students on warning and suspension will be notified by campus email.

A transfer student from another institution must meet the SAP policy as evidenced by academic transcript(s) from prior institutions.

Satisfactory academic progress for financial aid is accomplished through the following measures:

Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students receiving aid must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA each semester.

Pace and Timeframe Requirement

  • For financial aid purposes only, grades of ‘F’, ‘I’,‘W’ or ‘NC’ on an NTCC transcript will be counted as hours attempted, with no grade points.
  • A student who attempts 12 credit hours or more must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours.

Students may not receive aid for hours exceeding 150% of the published length of the program for a full-time student or completion of a degree. NTCC uses its longest program, 72 hours, as a basis for determining the 150% amount for all programs. Therefore, the maximum amount of hours for a student at NTCC may not exceed 108 attempted credit hours (72 x 150%). All attempted hours at NTCC will be counted toward the 108 attempted credit hour limit, regardless of whether financial aid was received or not. Taking extra (non-degree) courses may exhaust financial aid eligibility prior to the completion of a degree or certificate.

Students must be pursuing an eligible degree or certificate to be eligible for financial aid. Developmental or remedial courses may be considered for funding if required as a prerequisite to enable the student to successfully complete a degree or certificate objective. Remedial courses are funded up to a one-year limit.

Repeat courses may be considered for funding not to exceed one repetition for funding purposes. Financial aid does not cover courses successfully completed.

To Reinstate Financial Aid

To regain eligibility for financial aid, students on suspension have the following options to reinstate their aid:


The student may attend NTCC with funds other than financial aid, complete 75% of hours attempted, and maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. (A student who receives aid for 5 credit hours or less must complete all hours.) After the requirements have been met, at the student’s expense, they will then be eligible to receive aid the following semester. It is the student’s responsibility to notify and provide documentation to the Financial Aid Office that the above requirements have been met.


The student may submit an appeal to the Financial Aid Office. The appeal request must be made, in writing, to the Dean of Enrollment Management within ten (10) days of date of notification. All appeals will be evaluated by the Financial Aid Appeal Committee and the student will be notified of the decision. The decision of the Committee is final. The appeal should include the following:

  • The required appeal form. The form is available in the Financial Aid Office.
  • Personal statement that includes explanation of extenuating circumstances and resolution or plan of action explaining what will ensure your future academic success.
  • Documentation such as letter from doctor, death notice, car repair receipt, etc.

If a student fails to make satisfactory progress resulting in a second suspension of financial aid, the period of suspension will be twelve months, completing at least twelve credit hours.

Even though a student maintains eligibility based on the above criteria, the student can lose financial aid if he/she fails to complete 50% of the courses attempted over any academic year.

Student Financial Aid for Continuing Education Courses

Tuition assistance is available for eligible individuals who wish to enroll in Continuing Education courses. The Texas Public Education Grant (TPEG) may be used for course tuition only and there is no reimbursement for pre-paid tuition bills. Financial aid will be awarded for up to 75-100% of course tuition, but not to exceed a total amount of $500. The standard Free Application for Federal Student Aid must be completed eight weeks prior to registering for the class. Awards will be based on determined eligibility and available state funding.

Types of Aid Available

Completion of the FAFSA determines student eligibility for all programs 


Visit the NTCC Foundation’s webpage for more information on available scholarships.


Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant is a federal aid “entitlement” program. Eligibility is based on the financial strength of the student and/or his family and is determined by applying a standard need analysis formula. Applications are available from the NTCC Financial Aid Office or from most high school counselors.

F.S.E.O.G. (Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant)

This is a supplemental grant that may be awarded to exceptionally needy students, with funding amounts range from $100 to $4,000 per year.

T.P.E.G. (Texas Public Educational Grant)

Grants are made available to Texas students with demonstrated need. Grants vary depending on available funds.

Texas Grant

This grant provides grant money for well-prepared, eligible students to attend institutions of higher education in Texas. You must have graduated from a public or accredited private high school in Texas completing the advanced or recommended high school curriculum or its equivalent, show financial need, and enroll at least 3/4 time within 16 months of high school graduation.

Texas Educational Opportunity Grant

This grant provides funds to eligible students that enroll at least halftime in a certificate or associate degree program. You cannot be eligible for the Texas Grant; therefore, GED and home-schooled students could qualify. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board determines award amounts.

Student Employment

Federal/State Work Study Program

A federal or state program through which eligible students may earn part of their college expenses. Employment is on a part-time basis. Students are paid the current minimum wage rate, and work an average of 10 hours per week.

Campus Employment

This program provides limited employment for students that do not qualify for college work study. Employment will be part-time and will depend on available funds.

America Reads and America Math Programs

Students awarded funds from the federal work-study program may tutor grades K-3 in reading and grades K-9 in math. Students work at area schools. Contact the Financial Aid Office if you are interested in this program. Students must attend a three-day training workshop.


Short Term Emergency Loan

Need-based short term loans are made to enrolled students to help defray a portion of tuition, fees, books and supplies during regular registration periods only. These loans must be repaid during the semester in which the loan is made. Students should contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.

Federal and State Student Loan Information

Student loans, unlike grants, are borrowed money that must be repaid, with interest. You cannot have these loans canceled because you didn’t get a job in your field of study or because you’re having financial difficulty. Learn more about federal student loan debt at http://studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans.

Steps to Apply for Financial Aid

Federal Direct Subsidized Loan

The subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of need. No interest is charged before you begin repayment or during any authorized periods of deferment. The federal government pays the interest until the time of repayment.

Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan

The Unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need. The student is responsible for interest during in-school and deferment periods. Interest accruing during those periods may be paid or capitalized as agreed by the borrower and lender.

Texas B-On-Time Loan

The Texas B-On-Time Loan is a no-interest loan for eligible Texas Students with the added benefit that, if the borrower meets specified goals, the entire loan amount can be forgiven upon graduation. For more information about student eligibility for the loan and forgiveness requirements, please visit: www.hhloans.com/borrows/BOTfactsheet.cfm.

Other Resources

Vocational Rehabilitation Program

The Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) offers assistance for tuition and fees to students who are vocationally challenged as a result of a physically or mentally disabling condition. This assistance is generally limited to students not receiving other types of aid. For information contact: Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services in your area.

Bureau of Indian Affairs

The Bureau of Indian Affairs offers educational benefits to American Indian/Native students. Students need to contact the regional Bureau of Indian Affairs Office regarding eligibility: Oklahoma Area Education Office, 4149 Highline Blvd., Suite 380, Oklahoma City, OK 73108, (405) 945-6051 or 6052. Students may contact the Financial Aid Office for detailed information concerning assistance from these areas.

Tuition Exemptions/Waivers

The state of Texas and Northeast Texas Community College provide and fund several tuition exemptions and/or waivers. Interested students should contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information about guidelines for qualifying.

  • Blind and Deaf Students
  • Aid to Families with Dependent Children or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • Certified Education Teacher Aide
  • Children of Disabled Firemen, Police Officers, Game Wardens and Employees of Texas
  • Dependents of Texas Veterans killed in action
  • Early High School Graduates
  • High School Valedictorians
  • Senior Citizens
  • Students in Foster Care
  • Students of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action

Veterans’ Educational Benefits

Veterans’ Affairs

The Veterans’ Affairs Office at NTCC is part of the Financial Aid Office. NTCC is approved for Veterans’ Training under the GI Bill of Rights, Public Laws 358 and 550 and under the Vocational Rehabilitation Laws. A student enrolling under any of the various provisions for VA Educational Benefits should be prepared to pay the initial cost of tuition and fees or request advance pay at least eight weeks prior to the period of enrollment. Students should be prepared to wait six to eight weeks before receiving their first payment from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Students receiving VA educational benefits must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average in all courses to satisfy VA Satisfactory Progress Standards. The Office of Veterans’ Affairs can certify enrollment only if:

  • Transcripts from all colleges and universities are on file
  • Courses fulfill degree/certificate requirements
  • Courses were not previously completed with a passing grade
  • Students are in good academic standing with a 2.0 minimum grade point average

Changes in enrollment status or complete withdrawal may result in partial or full repayment of VA benefits by the student. Veterans should contact the VA office for additional information and application.

Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Veterans with a service-connected disability may be eligible for tuition, fees, books and supplies. You may contact:

Department of Veterans Affairs
Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
1700 SSE Loop 323, Suite 310
Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 565-0440

Veterans’ Dependents’ Aid

The federal government has set up provisions in Public Law 634 whereby certain veterans’ dependents may be eligible for a subsidy while pursuing their education. Orphans of service personnel and dependents of veterans with service-connected disability may be eligible.

Texas National Guard Tuition Assistance Program

Senate Bill 526 passed by the 76th Legislature in 1999, created a college tuition exemption program for certain eligible individuals in the Texas Army or Air National Guard and Texas State Guard. Funds may be used for tuition only. If you have questions regarding this program, contact Education Services Office at Camp Mabry at (512) 465-5270 or education.office@tx.ngb.army.mil.

Hazlewood Act

Texas veterans whose educational benefits from the Veteran’s Administration have been used up or lapsed may be entitled to free tuition and some education related fees up to a maximum of 150 credit hours. Contact the Financial Aid Office or visit www.collegefortexans.com for more information.

Notice to all First Time Students

Who Will Continue Their Education at a Four-Year College or University (Available during student’s senior year of college)

$1,000 Tuition Rebate Available from Four-Year Colleges and Universities. You may be eligible for a tuition rebate of $1,000 if you:

  • Are enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall of 1997 or later.
  • Are requesting the rebate for work related to a first baccalaureate degree.
  • Are a Texas resident, and have attempted all coursework at a Texas public institution of higher education and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree.
  • Have attempted no more than three (3) hours in excess of the minimum number of semester credit hours required to complete the degree under the catalog under which you are graduating.

Students must apply for rebates toward receiving their baccalaureate degrees on forms provided by the institution they are graduating from and must keep the institution informed of their address for at least 60 days after graduation date.