Oct 14, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

About Northeast

Northeast Mission

Northeast Texas Community College exists to provide responsible, exemplary learning opportunities.


Northeast Vision

To become a destination and learning community.

Northeast Texas Community College is committed to transforming the lives of our students through all means available.  Students will be challenged to acquire the values and habits associated with a post-secondary education. Students will be exposed to the world beyond their prior experience. The education provided at NTCC will be active, and require full engagement of both student and college. We will seek to make a fundamental impact on the mindset, worldview and aspirations of our students, through personal involvement between faculty/staff and students.

The college environment will encourage creative instructional approaches, particularly those that provide students with greater opportunity for direct participation in learning. Because we believe that transformative learning results in changes in behavior, the college will encourage personal responsibility, hard work, and accountability.

Creating a place rich in educational opportunity, in a global environment, will require significant changes from traditional classroom instruction. Many students will need meaningful work opportunities, travel opportunities, and small group learning experiences. Most will need intentional coaching which must begin even before they start their NTCC classes.

Rather than thinking of college as a place students go to listen to lectures and take exams, Northeast will become a community students join; a place of high expectations and high commitment amoung students, faculty, and staff. Just like you don’t join the Marines but you become a Marine; so too you don’t attend college, you become a college student. It must change you, as well as inform you.

In many ways this is the very same vision that guided the College from its inception. However, it is a time for recommitment, reengagement, and an intensive search for methods more effective today.


Core Values - “We Believe…”

  We believe… Essential Idea
1. …the best education involves a broad and diverse set of experiences, in and out of the classroom.

Comprehensive campus experience

2. …we are an institution of public trust, and as such must act with complete integrity in all matters. Integrity
3. …knowledge is indispensable to living a full life. Knowledge is Valuable
4. …people rise to their highest achievements in an environment of openness and collaboration. Collegial environment
5. …adapting to our ever-changing world is an essential result of education and must be an essential characteristic of this college. Change
6. …in the importance and value of life-long learning. Keep on learning
7. …teaching and learning need to occur in an environment that is physically, spiritually, and intellectually safe. Safety
8. …that the college exists to serve the community and both share responsibility for each other’s success. College & Community are Mutually Dependent
9. …in high expectations and accountability for all involved in education. Rigor/High Standards
10. …people learn differently and should participate in a variety of learning opportunities. Learning Styles
11. …faith and family are foundational to our society. Faith & Family
12. …an education must be earned through education dedication, engagement and self-sacrifice. Student effort/engagement
13. …people are most productive and fulfilled in an environment with maximum flexibility and creativity. Creativity/Innovation


Aspirations - “Our Graduates Will…”

  Graduates will… Essential Idea
1. …possess various learning skills necessary to succeed in an ever-changing world and will be able to flexibly utilize them. Reading, writing, thinking, tech skills
2. …leave with an education that improves their lives. Relevant education
3. …be able to compete in a multi-cultural global economy. Globalization
4. …have actively participated in their own education. Student engagement.
5. …become valuable contributors to their communities and society. Social Responsibility


Institutional Goals - “We Will…”

  We will… Essential Idea
1. …provide engaging & creative instruction. Student Engagement
2. …build connections between our college and the rest of the world. Globalization
3. …create a comprehensive campus experience. Campus Experience
4. …partner with the community to assure students can complete a degree debt-free. Community Support; No Student Loan Debt
5. …consistently encourage a college lifestyle that is healthy and environmentally sustainable. Health Campus
6. …earn a reputation for unique educational experiences. Student Engagement