Feb 14, 2025  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Students who do not have a degree plan should obtain one from an advisor prior to registration. Registration should be completed using MyEagle; however, students may request the assistance of an advisor as needed. Students who do not have computer access at home may use any of the designated computers on the Northeast Texas Community College campus for registration, including those in the Administration Building in the Student Services area and in the Learning Resource Center. Students may not attend any classes until their registration is complete, and those who enter after classes have begun are responsible for all work prior to their entrance. Registration is not officially completed until all admission credentials have been received and approved, registration forms and course enrollment completed, and tuition and fees paid, or satisfactory arrangements made through Northeast Texas Community College’s Financial Aid and Business Office.


MyEagle is an online information and registration service provided for students at Northeast. Current students may access MyEagle at https://myeagle.ntcc.edu.  The naming format for your login is first name initial + last name + last 3 digits of your Social Security Number (SSN).  The password is set to your date of birth (DOB) in an 8-digit format, mmddyyyy. For example, if Bart Simpson (SSN 123-45-6789, DOB January 3, 1989) was a student at Northeast, his log-in credentials would be bsimpson789 and his password would be 01031989.

New students may register using MyEagle after successful completion of MyEagle orientation. MyEagle also allows students the opportunity to:

  • Register/add/drop courses prior to the start of a semester (if eligible)
  • View/print the student’s class schedule
  • View/print a current grade report
  • Determine course availability
  • View/print a copy of the student’s Unofficial Transcript
  • View/print a copy of the student’s Verification of Enrollment from the National Student Clearinghouse
  • View/print the student’s Financial Aid History
  • Access the degree audit feature to determine courses needed to complete the student’s degree plan
  • View/print account billing and history
  • Pay account balance online
  • Verify the student’s demographic data. Address or name changes must be made in the Admissions and Records Office.

Adding or Dropping a Course

Students who are able to access MyEagle may add classes online prior to the close of late registration (first week of classes for each long semester; first 2 days of a 5-week summer session). Students cannot drop their final or only class using MyEagle during late registration. Complete withdrawals must be done in person at the Registrar’s Office.

Students cannot drop, add, or withdraw using MyEagle after the last day of late registration. After that date, all changes must be submitted either in person, in writing, by Northeast student email, or by FAX to the Registrar’s Office. Drops prior to the official reporting day/census date (twelfth day, regular semester; seventh day, 10-week summer term, fourth day, 5-week summer term) are not recorded on the student’s permanent record. Students may withdraw no later than the last date for withdrawal in that semester. See the  Academic Calendar  for specific withdrawal dates for each semester.

A student who desires to drop a course after the census date of the term but prior to the deadline for withdrawal for that term, as posted in the Academic Calendar, will be awarded a grade of ‘W’ for the course. Withdrawal grades are not granted after the deadline without written approval from the instructor.

A student wishing to withdraw may do so through one of the following methods:

  1. Request the withdrawal in person by visiting the Student Services Center during regular business hours and meeting with an Academic Advisor;
  2. Request the withdrawal in writing, with the student’s name, ID number, course number and name of course, and student’s signature required. The written request can be mailed to:

       Northeast Texas Community College
       ATTN: Registrar’s Office
       P.O. Box 1307
       Mount Pleasant, TX 75456-1307

  3. Request the withdrawal through the student’s Northeast email account. The email must include the student’s name, ID number, course number, and name of course. The student may send the emailed request to advising@ntcc.edu. Email requests originating from accounts other than the student’s Northeast email account will not be honored.

A student who withdraws from all courses (complete withdrawal) must follow the same procedures as outlined above; however, the student must state that he/she wishes to withdraw from all classes in which currently enrolled.

If the student received Financial Aid assistance, the advisor and/or the Financial Aid office will provide information regarding any funds that must be repaid by the student.

Access to Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. Student and Parent Information and Rights can be found on the Northeast website under the Future Student, Current Student, and QuickLinks tabs.

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”

In compliance with FERPA, information classified as “directory information” may be released to the general public without the written consent of the student. The student may request that any or all directory information be withheld from the public by making a written request to the Registrar’s Office. The request must be made by the last official day to register for a given semester and will be honored by the institution unless and until the student requests the release in writing. Directory information is defined as student name, permanent address and/or local address, email address, telephone listing, dates of attendance, most recent previous educational institution attended, other information including major field of study, degrees, awards received, and participation in officially recognized activities and sports. Release of any additional information pertaining to student records must be authorized in writing by the student. Students have a right to inspect, review, and challenge the contents of their educational records. The Registrar’s Office is the repository of the student’s college records. The office will supply students with information related to their college records and refer those students requiring additional assistance to the proper college official or office. For more information regarding FERPA, visit the web site www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa.

Social Security Number Information

The social security number is used as a permanent student identification number. Each student is also assigned an id number which they may use to access their records. Those who do not have a social security number should obtain one prior to filing an application for admission. However, it is not mandatory for a person to have a social security number to be admitted to Northeast. Application for social security numbers may be obtained from any post office or the local Social Security Office.

Registration at Northeast Texas Community College implies consent to the use of the student’s social security number for the reporting of information for management purposes only. All such information will be used without personal identifiers.